My CDC experience.

I should have made a journal about this ages ago but it has simply skipped my chain of thought. It's not like it matters anyway, I'm sure the vast number of the people who actually attended the LAN wouldn't have spoken to me anyway. Not only because I'm a no-named noob but more to the point, I was locked in a cupboard for the entire time, with my coverage companion Argentina chosen.

You've all seen me in the numerous interview pictures, I'm the one with the stupid grin on my face with no arms. From about 8:30-9 AM everyday, I was either locked in that cupboard or was frantically running about the event like a headless chicken trying to find scores. This would go on to 4 AM, until myself and England Penn retired to our hotel room (No, man-love was not involved in the hotel arrangements, get a life Cote D'Ivoire sol).

Argentina chosen and myself tried our best to "dabble our brushes" into everything in terms of scores, interviews, match previews, post match reviews, fixture times and results. Anything you read on the site was done by either Argentina chosen or me. So that's regrettably why I wasn't able to meet a lot of people in our wonderful community. It's a shame really, since I'm such an awesomely fun guy. The few people I did meet seemed really nice and genuine, so that was a bonus for me.

The only time I did have a chance to sit down with some beer was on the Sunday night but by that time, almost everyone had gone. Still, for the few that remained (Germany cutty, England Penn, England Sheep, England eVo, England TosspoT, United Kingdom Adacore, Argentina chosen and a few others that have escaped my mind) it was a nice wind down from the event. It's just a shame so many people had to dart off so soon.

Anyway, that was pretty much my CDC experience. Nothing really interesting to be honest, it was a lot of hard work. Still, it was well worth it and I would recommend it to anyone that had even the slightest amount of time to offer. We're always under admined, that's were 75% of our problems can be traced back to.

So there you have it, my armless, smile inducing CDC experience in one short journal. That seems really sad to me. :(
Hi.i lol'd bout ur interview pics :'D!
xD this time it is Argentina chosen ^^
Anonymous chosen
so cool :o
rl pic of chosen or it never happened!
you rly don't wana see this ;)
fuuk yuu ^^
nice forgetting me @ sunday! :(
great work btw, well done to all the admins!
I said I forgot! :(
tnx for all the things you did :P
Nais one
yupp the last evening was nice. The admin team looked like they all needed a big box of sleep. You forgot splodge and sqzz, the guy who emptied his toothpaste inside his pocket :o
random comment

nista contra splita!
I was so fucked Sunday night from lack of sleep, i probably looked like i died.

If you ever need a roomie again pedro, let me know!
armless monster!
great coverage - thanks pedro very appreciated mate :)

Austria chosen as well ^^
NEVER, RLY NEVER this flag!!1
na secretly you want it :)
hi Kazakhstan pedro, stop using Europe flags please ;D

Hope i wont forget about penn till cdc5, looking forward to meet u again for some coverage weekend or so ;>
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