doES ANYONE know how to cut A part of the song from program called Audacity ? ..nizou already explained me once .. but it was long time ago :D ..yeh i forgot it.. my fault :P ..but now i am asking you..
If does someone,... plz write here (ofcourse in .mp3 file)


nvm.. got it \o>
use vegas 8 nP
its audacity
i used it ,but it was quite easy to cut. Dont remember anymore
haha immoo <3
hold down mouse1 and drag it over the part you want to cut, then press delete. ctrl+z to recover
seems complicated
maybe to you.
Hehe pls. :D Just mark the part and press ctrl+x...then open a new empty file in audacity and press ctrl+v...then save us => mp3
how hard can it be :DDDDDDDddd
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