random test clip!

wanted to share u my new clip


i dont need any feedback cuz i know it just sucks :D

thanks for the attention
Change music plz :<

Supply looks rly sexy, but the other maps have a bad coloring and are too contrasted, try working on those a bit.
Also enable anti-aliasing, will improve the quality drastically.

Try not to use cheesy transitions like the breaking glass one, because they kill the cinematic effect. Also don't overdo the zoom-ins on the blabla was killed by blabla parts, has the same effect.

Nice config, nice moviequality.

Somehow made me think of Kris' movie ^^

good luck with the full project!
nicevid ...awesome moviecfg

btw u promised to make my next movie :>
Random Question : What are those things called where you link ppl and you have to get say 10 before it show the pics normally pron..? trying to explain to someone and i dunno what they're called..

Edit :

Nice song Yellowcard <3

Smash effect sucked

and colours in first frag seemed weird but nice overall :>
Posted by Kito on Tuesday 11th March 2008, 01:44

hi2u2 :x

uhm nice to see frags wrom you without mouse disconnections :D
the panzer @ adler was very nice :D
but i think the colours can be better o:
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