muslims in europe

You should really work on your view on religion or races dude.
he is just being honest and straightforward... he is bashing christianity even more.

And just like religious ppl are entitled to their (ridicule) opinion regarding non-believers, those non-believers are entitled to have an opinion regarding religions

"butchji on 11/03/08, 18:55:31 Del | Edit | Reply

I was just talking about SneeK and not about the guy speaking in the clip. You can easily spot the racist mind in SneeK just by clicking at a recent journal by him called "retarded muslims". The old man talking in the clip doesn't share the same opinion as SneeK does. "
Quote Posted by SneeK_ on Tuesday 11th March 2008, 18:18
love him

(url) []

Or mayb u know more about sneek than i do
well i dont rly get how u deduct that he needs to work on his view on races and religions while he just linked a video of pat condell? Whats wrong with linking the vid?
let them all die plx
Recent Journals:

muslims in europe
Ken Lee
rap fo real
Game keys pls
retarded muslims

2/5 = 40% probability that in the next 5 journals, there will be 1 journal about moslims.
thx for the lesson
Already subscribed to him on youtube :)
haha, you got issues.
Pat condell is a legend
Dont see the funny about this? How can this guy sit and lie so much? he gotta have a deathwish.
Its not meant to be?
mm he got a point
Pat Condell is funny
damn this is one of those smart nazi wannabes
Man, he is talking alone, no one to contradict him and show him what he says is bullshit. Easy tbh
indeed. also couse he is doing the same exact thing as the radicals like saying how badly we need to get rid of em etc i hate ppl like that.
lol'd I don't think he goes around preaching hatred and blowing things up. Just saying what he thinks and what alot of other people think.
If i went to iran and tried any of that i would be hanged :I
right... :D
People have to see that criticising islam as a religion isnt the same as insulting muslims.
Its not a east vs the west issue, its no a racial/ethnic issue its a "war" (not really the right word) of ideas between the tradition of enlightenment and rationalism and archaic religious structures. There are actually more secularists and humanists even in iran or irak than people realise. We just have to watch out, that worldly law allways stays on top of religious law.
The problem is not just islam, we also have evangelists homeschooling their children and groups like the calling trying to set foot in europe.
amen to that -,-
I actually agree with this guy for the most part, especially since in europe its still hard to attack islam as a religion, just like we do with christianity. You will allways get applause from the wrong (rightwing) people and insulted by the leftwing who hold every culture, no matter their wolrdview equal.
I personally am for a totally secular state with humanistic views, with laws that relgious people have to abide by as well. (That goes for the traditional slaughtering of animals for example, or what is taught in school. With both religious people still get extra rights)
Yeah couse the problem is that its divided into sections of people who believe that they should fight for there religion and justify there radical actions by it and and those who dont. Gues thats abit of the reason why the situation is like it is in europe
The point is that radicalism, be it political, religious or in any other way, menaces the society of moderate believers, especially those of contrary belief. I think that's what he wanted to say after all: If people are generally less radical and less literal about things, things will be better for everyone.
funny...k i try it with my lowskill english

imo u shouldnt post this shit if u have no idea of the islam
its like ....oh wtf...why r u believing in someone who was crucified on a cross ...are u retarded ?

hell no i dont think in this way...but many of u do it with the islam...imo this way of thinking is retarded
Problem is the radicals are plaguing islam and thats all that we see on the news. Another bomb, some1 being beheaded etc. Just giving a bad name for the normal people ;(
yes. very sad. the tv always shows the evil muslims who bomb theirself for allah...(what a crap) but never the nice muslims...(like me xD)
And how do you know who is right with their view on religion, the fundamentalists or the moderate ones? :)
imo there cant be a religion who is right, because if the muslims say they are right the christs will say they lie....and so on...

yes its bit strange...i believe in allah/god (same for the stupids out there) but sometimes id wish that there wouldnt be so many religions and only one religion...then there would be much more peace :/ and everyone would stop with there wnb nazishit
One religion doesnt solve anything at all, cause scripture can be taken litterally, like the fundamentalists do or interpreted in hundreds of strange ways. Religions and their books shouldnt play a major role in public life at all.
ye right, but did u understand what i mean ?...they shall not give the muslims the reasons for their problems...
the belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
"But he loves you!"
THANK YOU, been searching for his name for so long <3
i am an atheîst , religion is a drug for the brain.

so stfu
"Religion is the opiate of the people" Karl Marx
I don't like you at all, but I do agree that religion is a bad drug.
It has been made by people to keep the population predictable and controlled.
Ye but the difference is we let our history behind us, we dont kill somebody because he insulted the rules of our religion, and we also dont hang some1 on a cross just because he stole shit.

But most of you dont even try to stop this, the uncle of my old gf want to see her death because she was in love wiht me, and we can never marry in a turkish church, so please seriously dont make a fool outtaself.

I know your parents dont live like this anymore, but as long as there are still someone out who live like this you have to handle it.

Seriously if you know that 1 out of 10 people will kill you would you like to stay together with more than 9?
but he is right...sneek is just retarded
we all know u are a racist, so dont try to convice us 2 be one. let them be, let them live like they used to and are doing for many years now.
I can't remember beheading cartoonists for trying to add a slightly humorous view (the cartoons were a bit over the top though) to the whole religious-issue. I can't imagine the pope shouting for Jihad in a case like that.
christian fundamentalists have burned down cinemas before, because a movie was a bit too hard on the Jesus and God. They also tried to ban a childrens book here in germany recently (and failed). Christians arent more moderate because they chose to be. They are because the enlightenment forced them to.
Doesn't change the fact they ARE more moderate.
Some are, some are not. Lots of evangelists here, homeschooling, trying to censor religious criticism etc.etc. If they had the power, things would look alot different. Islam needs to go through an elightenment phase as well, but that has to come mostly from the inside.
they just choosen two different way to achieve the same :)

though the extremists islamic are obviously harder than the christianism extremists but few centuries back they were both exactly using the same methods
Stop living in the past.
why so ? im not living in the past but you must admit the fact that few centuries ago christianism ppl were as harsh and dangerous as islamic IF NOT MORE :) when i see all these rasist using such old fact to shoot down the islamics i find ihv the right to use them myself ;)
few centuries ago, not now.
yeah i agree that they are over reacting on the fact that we just made a cartoon out of it, but now that we know they would prefer not to have a cartoon made out of mohammed and other islam shit we should respect that. but its not like they are anything like this when they are migrated into a country like belgium becos i think sneek is a racist because he was beaten up or sth a few times by some turks ...
No we shouldnt respect that. Ridiculing stupid ideas is a right we fought for very hard, people died for the right of free speech you know? They have to get used to their religion being made fun of, thats it.
That's the point: we have to respect that they would rather not have a cartoon about Mohammed, whereas the guy in the clip questions their respect for the christians, which seems, by certain muslim individuals, not constantly evident.
Nope there is no right for respect and luckily so. It has to be allowed to make fun of religion and other stupid ideas and dogmas, its one of the most precious things we have.
I agree, and so does that guy I suppose. Radical Islamists don't.
no, kill all those ugly mudfaces. All they can do is yell ALLAH AKBAR and tease intelligent americans.
Except for the "we are superior vs muslims"-bullshit, he has a point.
You surprised me on that one :p
You thought I was a racist?
The convo we had back then seemed so :)
What convo?
Wasn't that you? The one in which the opposing person showed me several pics of attractive white ladies, and finished off by asking "And what about that?", showing an image of Rhianna. =)
Doesn't ring a bell. But yeah, Rihanna is ugly as fuck.
already had that kind of prob with rhand a while ago, though he was such a fucking rasist but well, he has his ideas though i missunderstood most of this discussion and he ended on the fact he accept evryone and that the most important (atleast i hope he do)
kill them all
+1 for this guy.
who is that guy?
Hmm, some of it is true, however it's just one part of the muslims he's talking about, not all of them, but he speaks about the entire muslim population, and that imo is not right.
You haven't listened very well, he specifically said he was not talking about those who adapt or even agree with the Western world. He definitely got a point, but it's not only radical muslims who are an issue, same goes for other religious extremists and also "common" people who don't have clue on how to teach their kids respect or respect other human beings themselves.
Yes, he also said that, but he also mentioned that he doesn't like the muslims very much and they should act according to our beliefs.
maybe he thinks in this way, but imo this is the biggest fault everyone can do. just because someone else has an other religion it doesnt mean that he is no human..maybe he doesnt like the selfbomber and stuff...i dont like them 2 but then he should dislike bush and his soldires aswell ...and bush is a christs that means that he should hate all christs in his view too...

Quotejust because someone else has an other religion it doesnt mean that he is no human..

That's an obvious fact that, regarding to the video of focus, not only "white" racists, but also Islamist extremist lack.
I was just talking about SneeK and not about the guy speaking in the clip. You can easily spot the racist mind in SneeK just by clicking at a recent journal by him called "retarded muslims". The old man talking in the clip doesn't share the same opinion as SneeK does.
i wish everyone stopped calling me a racist , because it makes you look like an idiot. The word racist implies i hate another race then mine , i don't hate black people(they are funny ), i don't hate chinese ( one of my best friends is chinese ) and i sure as hell don't hate north africans since i went 4 times to egypt 3 times to turkeye & 1time to marocco. I just want a stop to the immigration that is going on in belgium , we're just full . Unfortunate Belgian people currently can't any social homes because it's full with illegals or immigrants. This hate versus north-african immigrants does have it's reason , why in hell don't we ever have problems with the thousands chinese & italian immigrants in this country , BECAUSE THEY ADAPT. You will never see them coming in a group and lighting cars on fire because someone offended some fictional fuck . Did you know 4/5 years ago a political party was founded by north-africans who went on the streets to control the police and they wanted arabic to be our 4th national language?
I do not know how it's like in your country but from what i hear it's happening all over europe , and it's because of retarded fucks like you that someday we will become immigrants in our own country.

So pls foureyes before you start making bold statements get out behind your computer and let your eyes see some daylight.
The "problem" Germany is facing with immigrants is solely and only caused by the shortsightedness of the government in charge during the economic wonder. They just didn't realize it wouldn't last forever so they didn't regulate immigrational processes as quick as they should've. I'm not blaming the immigrants for that at all. I even think immigrants are important to Germany's development, as long as they are willing to work and to adapt.
100% agree

ofcourse the immigrants can't help it , they are "not that smart"

it's those ignorant politicians who won't do anything about it.
I'm just trying to say the following:
Imagine you are a citizen of a poor muslim country, and seeing a nation like Germany searching for people from your country to work there, having a better payment, better working conditions and better everything, wouldn't you go there? It was an immense opportunity which many grabbed and they were absolutely right about it. You can't call that dumb, just opportunistic.

what i meant by not smart : they will help to bring this country down , since in 10 years the social security won't be able to pay all pensions etc. anymore , which will resort in massive famine at the immigrant side because at lot of them just don't work & live on social security . But the worst fact in all this is , our government is telling to do pre-pension saving , which means we have to pay our taxes to pay for their lazy asses & save up for our own pension because we won't get any when we will need it.

I Say , every immigrant who can't speak dutch & find work within the year BACK to it's country of origin . It's really drastic but needed as well as cutting of all belgians who just can't hassle to search for work because they are equally fucking this country in the ass.
looking at the bullshit you're spreading over and over and over all i have to say is the following:

Blame your useless governement and not the immigrants, retard.
do you actually read every comment before u post something ?
maybe then u wouldn't look like a fucking retard

ofcourse the immigrants can't help it , they are "not that smart"

it's those ignorant politicians who won't do anything about it.
don't try to cover your fucking rasism with this bullshit, RETARD.
:DDD you are so dumb i wonder how u figured out the internet :D

u say
"Blame your useless governement and not the immigrants, retard."

while i already said that 2 comments before.

plz stop buying brains on ebay

EDiT: from what i see on your picture , i think you are probably one of those retards who set cars on fire of innocent families in paris because you "get no chances in ur country"
yes for sure, i even brought my friends with me and burned my mother's own car ...

gtfo hitler

ignorance is a bless
Yes, but actually there are more than enough foreign worker in germany, and still, they keep comming. I mean ye iam thankful for their help to build germany up, and yes I would also go in a country where honey and choclate are flowing like water.
BUT if this happens due some inacceptable shit like abuse our social system or even if they work and dont respect our rules and live like GERMANS, THEY should seriously get outta our country.
THEY got supported like hell, look at the large amount of churches of them in our country, and now go to any random muslem nation and try to build a church, they will kill you.
So WHY should we accept people in our own country which acctually just make troubles. Its not our fault they didnt immigrated, I know turkish people very well one of my ex gf's was turkish and they also immigrated (SO YES ITS POSSIBLE), its simply their behaviour in our country.
And seriously I dont want to stand up someday and take my kids to a school where they learn acrabic or even where some swords of allah hanging in the classroom.
That's what I was trying to imply actually. Our government is in charge to limit immigration before the state collapses.
And also, I said the following in the course of this conversation:
QuoteI'm not blaming the immigrants for that at all. I even think immigrants are important to Germany's development, as long as they are willing to work and to adapt.
They should stop supporting anyone who didnt worked for 2 years and didnt apply anywhere, they shouldnt let someone live in germany if she/he dont even speak the language, even if he/she is a husband/wife of a german citizen.

Its allready to late for immigrations try, they think they can do with us what they want, they wont try to learn the language nor to follow our rules/lifestyle. 90% of the Police murders outta berlin dont have a german pass, so what we need is to kick out them which wont work or help the country, doesnt matter if they are german or muslim.
most of them do adapt to the country they emmigre in, atleast in france they learn our lang, respect our beliefs and none has ever been insulting to my own thoughs (eventho im athe so none can rly attack me on the religion point) even my best friend (concidere him as my brother actually) is muslim, but we (my mother and me) teached him to mix up the best of the two worlds (aka; muslim and christianism) now he live using the best of those worlds and trowing away what make the world think arabic are all terrorists (he even pass xmas @ home giving gifts to my familly ect..).

also got another very good friend whos a morrocan immigre and eventho he never managed to receive the french nationallity he still tried to work(black market blabla) and so he did ... building houses for all these rasist ppl that kept insulting him all day long :)

so my though are obviously: if you give the chance to anyone, whatever the world keep saying about them, they can change, adapt and understand (he even almost married a jew girl so :) )
I appreciate your will to present me a short extract off your life, though I have to admit that interest was lacking =)
I can't counter that one you obvisiously owned me with that four eye. I'm off for burning some muslims at the streets now brb.
What he says is 100% true, Muslims call us racist, and they call us pigs. Yet they despise the fact of White people and Jews, yet they get away with it?.

I'm sure if our bible said, kill Muslims, that would be it and the whole bible would be rewrote?.

They beat their wives, and they enslave their children with older men, and they have sexual experience with other women, and allowed to do so.

They keep their wives faces hidden, just because they don't want a man looking at them. Jealousy much?

Yet, they can say these things about us, they can throw as many stones at us without getting a question asked. We say something and our wrists are already slit.

I'm not racist but the facts are true.

Yet we have no voice in this world anymore, since Allah wants everyone dead? Like someone said, they bomb and commit suicide for their god. Yet if you commit murder, dont you go to 'hell'.
At the dawn of Christianity, Islam didn't exist yet.
he has a point tbh
Dangerous talk, he rips reality facts out of there context and uses them to break down the muslims - At some moments this guy sounds like Hitler at the start of his political 'carreer'.

Also don't like the fact he talks to Europe, all of the news flashes he talked about happened in a few countries, I think Europe is bigger than this.

And being muslim is much more than beating up your wife, molesting your kids and old men mary to young women ....

Don't just agree with this guy, but think about what he says and with what intention he does it .... dangerous talk.
But why the racism and hatred to other countries and religions. Most and I say MOST muslims that you hear about, kill innocent people because of their religion. Yet in the UK when you make a joke about a Muslim, for example about bombs etc... They say your racist??? But when you hear this going on in the news, why the fuck wouldn't we think that?.
Most, you say MOST! :D
The muslims you talk about doesn't reach the 1% of the total population ...

Don't Western ppl kill others or what?

And about the jokes ... The reason why they get easily insulted is because this whole muslim thing lately is making them feel 'uninvited'. The reactions of that very little group of muslims (<1%) on these 'jokes' isn't something you can tolerate, I have to agree with you on that one ...

There are Western ppl who are scumbags & bastards, and so does muslim have this kind of ppl.

But if you listen to this guy, the main message of his video clip is: "Stand up against the muslims, otherwise they'll take over Europe" => that's just bullcrap.
True, what he says is basically right, but I'm also wondering if his real intentions are so pure.

But the bottom line is important, people who come to Western Europe should adapt to US and they have no right to try to force their habits on us. That goes for all groups/race/religions. But sadly with muslims it's the hardest, cause some of their basic opinions just differ a lot with ours. Another big problem is people coming here are often members of the lower part of society, badly educated, poor, hence why a larger percentage of them tends to be/get criminal.
Thats right, but the bible has been rewritten alot of times, to not stand on other countries religions.

Who ever don't believe that you are gullible
What parts precisely?
Hasn't the Bible been rewritten so many times that we can't trust it anymore?

QuoteThis is a common misconception. Some people think that the Bible was written in one language, translated to another language, then translated into yet another and so on until it was finally translated into the English. The complaint is that since it was rewritten so many times in different languages throughout history, it must have become corrupted . The "telephone" analogy is often used as an illustration. It goes like this. One person tells another person a sentence who then tells another person, who tells yet another, and so on and so on until the last person hears a sentence that has little or nothing to do with the original one. The only problem with this analogy is that it doesn't fit the Bible at all.
The fact is that the Bible has not been rewritten. Take the New Testament, for example. The disciples of Jesus wrote the New Testament in Greek and though we do not have the original documents, we do have around 6,000 copies of the Greek manuscripts that were made very close to the time of the originals. These various manuscripts, or copies, agree with each other to almost 100 percent accuracy. Statistically, the New Testament is 99.5% textually pure. That means that there is only 1/2 of 1% of of all the copies that do not agree with each other perfectly. But, if you take that 1/2 of 1% and examine it, you find that the majority of the "problems" are nothing more than spelling errors and very minor word alterations. For example, instead of saying Jesus, a variation might be "Jesus Christ." So the actual amount of textual variation of any concern is extremely low. Therefore, we can say that we have a remarkably accurate compilation of the original documents.
So when that we translate the Bible, we do not translate from a translation of a translation of a translation. We translate from the original language into our language. It is a one step process and not a series of steps that can lead to corruption. It is one translation step from the original to the English or to whatever language a person needs to read it in. So we translate into Spanish from the same Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. Likewise we translate into the German from those same Greek and Hebrew manuscripts as well. This is how it is done for each and every language we translate the Bible into. We do not translate from the original languages to the English, to the Spanish, and then to the German. It is from the original languages to the English, or into the Spanish, or into the German. Therefore, the translations are very accurate and trustworthy in regards to what the Bible originally said.

How would anyone know, you do know the fact that some priests and people who live their lives by the book, know that it's not true. Religion is a thing that people stick to because it gives them hope. Do you really think god created the earth. I say good day to you, and thats your choice.

People have their own beliefs, yet we don't have a say about anything like Muslims and other religions.

In the news the other day I seen that black people wanted to kill white people like hitler killed the Jews. |Racist people deserve nothing, yet this black group got fuck all done to them.

racist much?




Poor to say, you should watch the movie Heaven's Fall.
I might do so :), whats it about?
It shows the extreme opposite of what you just said :)
While there's a great deal of truth in much of what Pat Condell says*, he's a still a twat.

*That is if you can abstract some point from his endlessly repetitive, exaggerated, long-winded, condascending, pretentious and supposedly satirical sentences - he actually describes himself as a comedian, that alone is the only thing that's funny.

It's pretty surreal how the YouTube generation seem to cling to his every word as though he's some kind of super-intelligent demi-god, whereas those who manage to make the same points in a far less rude and obnoxious way don't get even half the attention. He's an attention whore.
BtW, i hereby want to congratulate England, that they recently got rid of their anti blasphemy law. I hope we will follow some days as well and get rid of our anti blasphemy paragraph. :)
We have shit like that?
I'd be even satisfied if the churches wouldn't be allowed to make all that fucking bell noise on weekends.
Anti-blasphemy law is blasphemy!
Anti-Blasphemy is Anti-Madness!
gtfo with religions :-)
to obey Godwin's Law:
Jesus was Hitler
i love how he brings it!

agree with him aswell!
diene sneek, my man :D
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