happy birthday to... [GER allowed]

... Germany skooli who celebrates his 20th day of birth today!

all the best from the gamestv crew!

image: birthday_julia
happy birthday ! :)

Happy Birthdayy :)
ein spast wie er im buche steht
alles gute mein dicker <3
change hier nicht einfach den titel, junge!
Happy Birthday to: Hat, dodgeh, Complex, Mavi, Musashi, filosofiaris, ph4te, Kn1ght, skooli, Prophette, Eplotic, Symphony, kripittaj, Nad, FreudoN, Ark, Kimby, Sigur, SliZle, Dutchie, esix, Amazon, illumise, Astron, frostyle, boomz0r, playah, eXecute, hryCuuu, indeono
hb sk00li
Happy Birthday ... Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !!! ^^
bnc gefixed? :)
hb skooli
hb young man!! and for that u can change my flag on GTV!! ;)
that's hard coded, sorry! :-)
ye I know, I just like to annoy him sometimes........
hapopy bday!
Happy Birthday to: Hat, dodgeh, Complex, Mavi, Musashi, filosofiaris, ph4te, Kn1ght, skooli, Prophette, Eplotic, Symphony, kripittaj, Nad, FreudoN, Ark, Kimby, Sigur, SliZle, Dutchie, esix, Amazon, illumise, Astron, frostyle, boomz0r, playah, eXecute, hryCuuu, indeono
Happy B-DAy! :D:D
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