omg hdd hax..

My etpro GUID changed all of a sudden, pb guid is still the same though.
The only thing I did was change my hdd setup..
The bootdisk is still the same, I just added a hdd for backing up my files.. I did this some time before and my GUID changed aswell(as you can see on my yawn) though I took out the hdd again because of errors, which I resolved now.
Could this new hdd be the cause of the change? Seems a little wierd to me because it's not the bootdisk but if someone could tell me it's not unusual/explain it to me?
old guid
new guid
thnx :)
useless reply? thnx for telling me you don't know either though.. xD
I think my guids changed when I swapped master and slave back and forth.
both hdds are master, different IDE channels though.
Dunno, but who cares, etproguid is not reliable. x-)
you used hamachi?
I do have hamachi on my pc but I barely use it... that is also a change I made now that I remember, I just reinstalled hamachi a little while ago...
It is enables as network device aswell atm..
So if I disable the network device in the device manager of windows it will switch back? Meaning I can use 2 different GUIDs? If thats true then omg I did find some new hax by accident xP No use though.. static IP xD
ETPRO guid is not used when people sherlock, PB guids and IP is, which of both are quite hard to spoof.
well if I delete my etkey I will get a brand new pb GUID... + new etpro GUID and new nick would make it somewhat harder to trace... if I was intending to cheat anyways. And btw I do believe not everyone has a static IP.. but even wit a static IP I could connect to a server through a proxy and that problem would be fixed aswell... not mentioning the laggs I would get with a proxy but w/e.
You could also move to another country, get a voice surgery and a new ID. x-)
lol next to an account at nC that would be a lot of money to be able to cheat in a game which you can dload for free... xD
bootdisk has nothing to do with it. ETPro makes the guid out of drive0 no matter if it is the bootdrive, sparedrive or whatever it is.
I will try some things but I do believe my bootdisk is IDE0 atm.. I have to reboot to find out how I setup my IDE channels.. will do that sometime. But I think it is hamachi, seems more logical to me.
yea if u installed hamachi recently then thats ur answer. Sry if I missed that :)
lol maybe I should delete this journal :P before ze h4x0rz come and find it out xD
True but I have nothing to fear :P dont have to change my GUID because I don't cheat... this was by accident so thats why I asked xD + my static IP would get me banned on all guids I could make up so I won't even try and just play fair.. more fun anyways xD
Who cares srsly
Mr carebear maybe?
=]] It doesn't rly matter tho, your pb_guid is still the same so np!
lol yeah I just gave crossfire my absolutely clean yawn... xD
tell me how and u will get cake.
I bet ur to lazy to go to the supermarket.. I am and its only a 3min walk. xD
american? :o (first comment xD)
rly late though :P last comment was almost 4 hours ago on this journal :P
Well not rly I'm not fat xD
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