12 Mar 2008, 20:57
being ubuntufan-geek + self-proclaimed pro + having a website that got defaced
= winrar
being ubuntufan-geek + self-proclaimed pro + having a website that got defaced
= winrar
Poor skiddies can't do anything good so they have to deface websites to try make a name for themselves :(
Well, not keeping it updated is, but shush! :P
edit: replied to wrong comment and too lazy to change
edit2@op: nice one checking the least updated blag in the history of blags! :D
NO PeaCe FuCk PoliCe!!
No MerCy From This Time
ah owned by a frog btw
These eastern europeans should concentrate on their English rather than trying to find vulnerable websites
What a lovely community they have :)))
:D:DDD i laughed pretty hard :D