
For those who don't know what the chumby is :

Just a simple alarm/clock with touch screen which has WiFI. You can add as many widgets as you want on it such as :

Youtube videos
Weather Forecast
Facebook status
Picture Albums (from flickr,picasa etc...)
RSS Feeds
Read e-mails

For the alarm, you have 2 USB ports on the back on which you can play automaticcaly your mp3 stocked on it when you wake up. You can also say that you want to wake up with webradios etc...

If you want more infos, just go on

I've got one since 2 weeks now, and I'm really impressed by all the things it can do !!

Just a small picture :
image: chumbyfront
how much?
130€ + shipping costs ( for the moment you can only have i in the US, but you can go through special websites such as when you're outside US )
This is my "design" clock :

image: n598402588_645229_3392
looks kewl o:
wow nice!
too bad the widgets use flash :(
Hi All,

We are very happy to be able to accommodate international customers with the purchase of the Chumby in the US.

We would like to offer free adapters to the customers of the Crossfire forum with their purchase of the Chumby. Just mention "Crossfire" in the comment box at checkout and we will ensure you receive your free adapter. Delivery is 4 days to us from and 2 days to you via Fed Ex priority.

We wish you well and look forward to assisting you,

thank you to the Chumby team for a fantastic product and great customer service and delivery,

Kindest regards

& the I.O Team
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