msn theme?
13 Mar 2008, 16:45
Normally each week there's at least one journal about 'your desktop wallpaper'
Because the bigger part of this community prefers MSN over your mother to chat with their e-buddies, I just want to know which MSN theme you use!
Because the bigger part of this community prefers MSN over your mother to chat with their e-buddies, I just want to know which MSN theme you use!
epic nerd shit
MSN client
n1 posting 3 journals about this shit
Edit : Nice getting defaced to.
just curious, what are you using to get those apps (xchat, term, emesene) locked to the sides without titlebars?
(I assume thats what you did?)
but too much white for me. (eyecancer)
thinking bout which distri ill use on my eee when its released
Scarzy is @ there. I feel so pirvaliged :D
You told me I would get one for free.
You are no better than those guys who call you to give you something thats free for 2 weeks, and then BAMM!
You get a bill for something you thought you didnt order.
Its people like you who ruin the world, shame on you Scarzy!
I feel sorry for the woman who gave birth to you, scum!
sex pls?