CnC3 problem

I've been trying to play Tiberium wars on lan with my friends but always when I am in the game everybody gets an Out of synch error and the game ends. When I'm not in game (and 4 of them play), everything is ok. It is certainly me, cause we've tried several combinations and the game freezed only when I was in it. I searched on google for any kind of help, but no success.
We're running the latest update 1.09.
Does anybody have a clue what might be causing this ?
play starcraft
Age: 15 ( 1 December 1992 )

like you know starcraft
I'm probably twice as good as you are.
play warcraft
generals much bett0r, believe meh
all reinstall, all patch in the same order

or just gtfo with EA-games
ok I'll try that
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