WC3v3 - Lio & alexL

We (admins from worldcup3v3) will allow lio & alexL in the worldcup, we believe that they are innocent. They need to play with the tool on anywayz , no way to hack. They can proof with our tool on that they are fuckin innocent :>

so lio & alexl, dont quit gaming that fast!

greetz from,

Frenky NiGgErBoY quad


removed the pic on request ;p
NIce move. GL
brb lolling

trying to get some e-respect or what
haha noob cup :DDDDDDDDD
and do you try to lick asses? YOU ARE THE Cheater lover and because of you our lovley scene WILL DIE. so sol pls ban this retardZZzzz
Get some balls
(waiting for Internet: serious business pic)
image: normal_Internet-SeriousBusiness

sorry for my late , didnt saw this post

Ok i also believe it about lio but if someone lets say uhm uhm i dont know Aapke can you also believe it then ?
no offence, but i just think your anti cheat tool doesn't detect anything
ok thats why we have a big red FAILED on the list already o0o0o
so who is it? which bot?
so why "failed"?
because it's a temp testing account used by quad
tested with which bot?
Wait what ? AlexL and innocent in 1 sentence ?

(waiting for random ''this is madness''/300 pic)
what if they get kicked in 3v3 worldcup game for gamehack? while the "tool" is on? X'D
Then it proves rshook really was detected :{
but lio preformed well on lan ;' (
rshook isnt detected
Ok then, 'was'.
It's the same # as the detected rshook (not to say it's undetected again now though)
Ahahahahaha allow everyone! There is no cheaters in ET!
Well thats stupid , then you can alow any cheater , if you "belive" he dint do anything even if he is banned on CB.


"They can proof with our tool on that they are fuckin innocent :>"
you mean , that if they play then they are innocent? Damn thats smart.
(it dosnt take a genius to turn of their hack when playin with that "tool" or whatever)
What tool ?
explain more please (A) its anti cheating but how does it work exactly ?
/q quad| on irc or something he'll tell you what he's allowed to mention.

what I gathered:
It's a piece of software which is unique to each user (nobody can share their downloaded piece) most likely because each client is assigned X number/name which is like a tracker for the admin(s)

It's obviously an anti-cheat tool, I don't know what it exactly scans for altogether so quad should tell you
what he's allowed to mention

i loled :>
it's what I want to mention, because it's my tool, i wrote it, i hold copyright on it, etc
One way of putting it :P
Was just mentioning it because I know/guessed you wouldn't want to be so open about the tool/code itself* :{{{
yeah, you got that right :P
Do you have some more info or won't you say it (yet) ?
what do you mean? of course i know everything about the tool, i've written it myself... other than than, i don't think i have "other info"...
I mean if you could give me some more info's about how it works etc. Or don't you want to talk about that yet?
i can say it's scanning ETPRO memory, and you have a bit more info on these 2 pages:
lol then why other gamehacks arent allowed to play? that's so..not democratic :o if they got a hack kick they should be blocked in all cups, bug or not..
I dont get these people. First lio/alexl gets banned on cb, for what seems a retarded decision by the admins. Now they've been allowed in the 3on3 cup and people start flaming all over them.
they just go with the flow!
you see... 50% care , and think they dint cheat
50% dont give a shit and just follow the rules
and rules say they are cheaters and are banned from CB.
Hahaha this is getting funnier by the minute + the anti3 tool is totally bullshit
agree! (with the "funny" bit :P )
What lol?! As netCoders wouldn't publish it instantly... And quad(and probaly also chaplja, I don't know, whether he is involved) have the possibilities to check it for the current cheats. Nobody said it's unbeatable, but it seems to be much safer than pb.
alexl clean i lold
didn't you see the movie where axelL let his aimbot on during warmup? :) Mate get brain thx...
how are you going to proof it's not working
as I said, there is no proof that's working or not working , and there never will be
don't you think Anti3 has any bugs / glitches or will have
It's working for the current "famous" cheats around. And like I said above, it's surely not unbeatable, but why do you guys prejudge it as shit, if u don't know it.
ROFL @admins plz go /kill kankers
nice cupadmins allowing cheaters xD
3rd that
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