umm hows cod4

so, how is cod4, is it worth to buy it? the gfx looks amazing, but peoples says it's kinda boring and overrated and stuff,
i played the demo, and its kinda stressfull, is it like that in MP? or it's completely diffrent, as it would be REALLY boring :P

thx guys
blame donex
I killed my headset when I got killed once, so yes its stessfull sometimes
how did u kill ur headset
strangle it
threw it on the ground ;d
It's addicting...but not as much as ET
I love it, pub is fun and clan games are great!
your gonna stab me in the back and leave me with my 20fpsinET PC alone? :<
doubt ill buy it, but demo is so freaking awesome ^^
was fun when it was new, now its so slow and boring
The fact that when I goto college, I hear conversations of people discussing what the best CoD4 weapon combo is, what perks people use and "how noob most level 55 people are" speaks volumes about the game.

It's absolutely nothing in comparison to CoD2.
u obviously hang out with noobs , since all of those things really don't matter in a war since

ranks don't apply
perks are limited so u can't choose
everybody knows AK47 / AK47u is the best :)
Treat the first paragraph and the second paragraph as entirely separate clauses.

I've played CoD4. It is nothing compared to CoD2.
congrats, you hang around pub heroes
Yeah indeed, wtf, all my rl friends are pubheroes? Why are they not all like progaming nolifers?

Oh... wait.
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