Firefox 3... to come soon :p
beta 4 released some days ago "for testing purposes only".

best new features (there are lots more, but the following are the best of them in my opinion):
- "Full page zoom: from the View menu and via keyboard shortcuts, the new zooming feature lets you zoom in and out of entire pages, scaling the layout, text and images, or optionally only the text size. Your settings will be remembered whenever you return to the site."
- "Resumable downloading: users can now resume downloads after restarting the browser or resetting your network connection."
- "Easier password management: an information bar replaces the old password dialog so you can now save passwords after a successful login."
- "malware protection warns users when they arrive at sites which are known to install viruses, spyware, trojans or other malware."

just wanted to inform those of you who care (guess not much of you do, but you are gladly welcome to flame) and ofc all who still use IE (or any other browser - i just cannot imagine one single reason for using microsoft software).

have a nice weekend!
the beta is not really safe i heard
that's why they call it "beta" and "is intended for testing purposes only". :D
Firefox > *
Firefox > all
to the thingy with the weekend... you too!
firefox > *
firefox 4 is coming out too
but 2009 :<
lolz that like less then a year =)
lulz, it was a joke :}
Not necessary December 2009 is also 2009 but more than a year :)
he didnt say when so it should be at the start of 2009
therefor its less then a year :O
He said 2009 , could be anytime in 2009 ^^
install internet explorer and your problem is solved
Nice updates, waiting for the final...
heard too many times that Opera > *, gonna try that browser soon!
i didnt like opera
gtfo, opera > *********
looking forward to the resumable download, hopefully it works 100% :o
lemme guess as soon as i update my firefox
my addons will stop working
firefox uses way too much memory when its left open for long
still i cant be arsed to swich to another browser anytime soon
I use safari ^^
was fixed in beta 1
for all the people that say opera > *, it's not true. Opera can't render a lot of pages which Firefox can.
using opera since v 6!
My professor say Opera > all !!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDD
your professor likes eurovision songs
your professor is a dumbass,firefox>all
Windblows ftw
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