Console Text Size?

I dunno but I got a config once and it had smaller text in the console, I can't remember the cvar for it, anyone know?
lol, thats right x)
your head :E
nee jij ben lekker mongo
remembrance and knowledge is a difference!
cg_consoletextsize XX
2 6 man rifle kills in 1 scrim

kk show me
were the hell are you?
man, your profile fucks up the whole page ..
the fuck up sux ! :(
its nice, not even chaotic, but i cant see my inbox if im browsing ur site!! (:
Nonix on 15/03/08, 12:59:02 PM | Reply <-----------------------
check out mine
it does since i want to know if u replied to me
ok thats true, it works, but still i want to go sure !
whats that? LoL!
some small windows appears if i get a msg, that ?

if yes, where can i get it? :D
nais ! looks much better now
cool, ill have a look at em!
are u adding buddies ² ? ^.^
where ? :O

or well, which ^.^
ah, got it now, nais always :!
like it ever is lower than high
oh :o)

loekino and emo, cant be tue
u replied on the wrong comment
oh, you used ur brain at cf ^.^

well thought !
haha, yeah, try to delay the going \o/
i dont like ur negative attitude.

its as negative as my stats are on public :C
tired at 8 because of spaming?:D
long enough .<.<.

til yet i didnt notice em !

btw, is there a function where u can see a list of the amount of comments every user made or smth ? xD

ah k, well, not importent then, but thx 4 teh info anywayz
loekino is the one for everything , ya ?

thats rly wtf ! :|

+ w0w :D
yeah, the fact we're spaming the 7 hours shocked me :|
ye same, i was listening football ^.^
its only @ premiere , pay tv as u know, and i do not have that ^^
yeah, i had one some time ago, but quality isnt that good, i guess, and well, i have to download some stupid browser programm while the links do not work...
listening is exciting !! :DD

sry 4 late reply :C
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