nothign to bet jealous of ofc.. but !

last night i went to see Derek Acorah Live in Perth Theatre (what a shitty theatre tbh balcony seats for the lose :o ) but was different to say the least not what you expect

"this is better than most haunted" - Derek Acorah


(((( 1st :D
(~ ~)
(( V ))
how much did u pay? :O)
why would u do that to yourself?
lol you actually paid to go?

Might as well have shoved money down the bog m8
Derek Acorah is awesome
1) i didnt pay anything i got it bought for me (was only 17.50 anyway £ sterling pounds)
2) i think the guy is amazing at what he does
3) i done that to myself cause its one of those life time chances that you might not get again kinda thing
and 4) hahahaha imgoing to see Frankie Boyle next :D
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