dsky back in et?!

Quote(18:03:23) ((
(18:03:23) —› now talking in (#d-skyline)
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(18:03:23) —› topic: DSky.news : DestinationSkyline announce some big news soon, stay tuned ¤ DSky.ro vs spec-ops @ PGL lost ¤ DSky.website : www.d-skyline.eu ( v2 soon )
(18:03:23) —› set by: Q (Tuesday, March 11th 2008, 17:56:55)
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(18:03:23) ((
(18:03:23) -Q- [#d-skyline] • Destination Skyline "Make Your Destiny" by www.RedLine-Prod.com - www.PxL-Lan.com - www.npserv.com - www.dosonaro.com - www.D-SKYLINE.net ¤ Contacts : dqnzeL, RayKu & Qlimax •
(18:03:39) (ng) dsky back in et too?
(18:03:55) (@DSky`Qlimax`o-) yes ng

hopefully he isn't kidding me... dsky most epic et team ever!!1

don't ban me for irc logs! :'<
use search
whats so weird?
became a bunch of nubies
They're back with cheater team.
with all wnbs in
like you? ;o
koto, kMt + 4 known polish cheaters and wannabies
there arent 4 polish, you retard
nozeros, kossta, tempest, destiny

EDIT: you retard.
afaik destiny is Israel ffs
02(121902:120302:122402) 02(DSky`destiny02) wanna make me a trailer? ^.^
0102(121902:120302:122702) 02(fredd-02) no
02(121902:120302:123102) 02(DSky`destiny02) k :~<
0102(121902:120302:123402) 02(fredd-02) dsky lamer
02(121902:120502:121502) 02(DSky`destiny02) go search ur med skilled war
02(121902:120502:121602) 02(DSky`destiny02) haha
0102(121902:120502:122402) 02(fredd-02) I will
02(121902:120502:122802) 02(DSky`destiny02) hf
02(121902:120502:122902) 02(DSky`destiny02) gl
02(121902:120502:123002) 02(DSky`destiny02) b
(DSky`destiny02) go search ur med skilled war

3-4 koodaa.. toiki jannu sprayy hyvii hedui ympäriinsä
kyl mä tiedän et toi destiny ainaki koodaa, mutta paskoja ne on silti, ku ei niil oo yhtää peliälyä :D
jep... mut mielenkiinoista ku pelattiin 6on6 niit vastaa... tyylii kaikki heitteli nadeja "sattumalta" päin jonkun pelaajan näköä
just noobs ruining the name
fucking up their CS reputation, gg
well imo dsky is dsky thanks to the great results the CS team had on the CPL's
we allready played them and made a draw!
zeh funnei

Written by Portugal Koto, 4 weeks later he got busted.
Its a fucking joke.. with that lineup.
omg omg we won them in 3on3 :o)
same, 4-0 ezbash bibuy
but this is real D-sky and i hope they will come back with somekind of highskilled lineup as they used to be in past, the current one is consisted of unhitable laggers and jews but they are still fucking med max fakers...
yeah and they got koto and kMt :DDDDDDDD
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