CSS cfg Help

Need low graficsettings + the cmd for drawgun 0

Playin CSS, How low can you go? :P
goto cadred.org and search low fps config + i dont think u can get drawgun 0

EDiT i think its caseys cfg thats designed for segamega drivers...
check my profile for cfg, the gfx settings are pretty much from caseys cfg.

and drawgun 0 is not possible.
And 0 animation? Like gunframe in ET? is that possible?
nope, dont think so.
dont like to see the weapon or animation of it :(
u'll get used to it, lets play a mix :< i am bored
im just a public owner on XG1 Server , i try to write config coz i leech honor in WoW Alterac :PP
on which server do u play?

i play on angelsclan server always :D
im just a public owner on XG1 Server , i try to write config coz i leech honor in WoW Alterac :PP
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