Please help!!!!!

i was checking which r_mode i like the most... started at "doom-stylo" r_mode 1 and up then i did a to high one for my computer now i cant get on a server anymore... i tried:

open console do other r_mode + vid_restart
tried to put somthing in ET document

nothing worked! please help me! pm me or respond
what do you mean with you cant get on a server anymore
openGL shit you know
reinstall maybe?
gimmi a site to download from...
dont! just delete the etpro-mod-folder out of your et-folder...then connect to a serverwith /cl_allowdownload 1 nu etpro-folder and put ur old config in it..
buy internet, that will help you.
switch r_mode-value to what u had before from your config (remember to check profile and etconfig)
seta r_mode 4 that works

if not

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