ET EC teams


1. Germany EdIT ( #EdIT )
2. Croatia Cortana ( #cortana )
3. Europe kirwa kirwanderin kirwurit ( #superkirwat )
4. Europe Just TAG ( )
5. Europe Vicious and Evil ( #vae )
6. Finland Incomplete ( #incomplete! )
7. Germany megaProGaming e-Sports e.V. ( #megaProGaming )
8. United Kingdom Impact Gaming ( #Impact.Gaming )


9. Belgium Team <O> - Part of 8bits ( #<O> ) vs. Europe Ministry of Defence ( #bsturz )
10. Netherlands OVERLOAd.X-RAYPAD ( #OVERLOAd ) vs. Netherlands team ephix ( #team-ephix )
11. Europe FatGames ( #fatgames ) vs. Europe Oceans6 ( #o6 )
12. Germany HighBot ( #HighBot ) vs. vs. Europe one4one( )
13. France muse-gaming ( #muse-gaming ) vs. France dESIRE ( #team-desire )
14. Italy ( ) vs. Hungary Overdose-Gaming ( #ovs-gaming )
15. Poland Fear Factory X-Fi ( vs. Poland Authentic-Gaming ( #Authentic-Gaming )
16. Europe hardMethodgaming ( #hmgaming ) vs. United Kingdom unKind ( #unKind )

wtf with edit?
bsturz oh plz
bsturz :D=DD:DLDOd.d..d:D:D:D.d:DD:DD
whine whine plz!
weeral nie :x
rofl @ bsturz :dd
good like this except bsturz
123253521312th post
edit @ direct invite O_o?
gl Germany pumu & France muse
Is this just speculative or the final list?
nice fuckup again, putting all the simulair nations together, biggest fucking in ec ever

nice not giving muse invite and incomplete the worce team that ever played ec a direct invite
you guys are never happy do you?
If you put Poland-clans vs Europe-clans they will both whine about whine on a certain server. So they put them together & now you are whining about that? :|

PS: I don't know if it was ment that way
Qualifiers should be seeded so you won't get one good clan versus another?
I don' t understand the reply *verlegen smiley :$*
actually eurocup is excatly about it.
the point of an eurocup is that each country is represented by his best team, so why are you whining like a fucked up retard?
isnt that what the nations cup is all about? :)
great attitude dude
you guys always pop op out of no where when ever ec starts its a fact
I guess u can't name a team with more stable players in the EC anyway
muse deserves it 10 times more, stable? you guys just made incomplete like all the years
incomplete never dies, it are basically always the same guys playing in it, that's why I think we are kinda stable.
who is playing for edit then????
bsturz haha... n1 cb
isn't that logical?
Same goes for Poland.
I think invites were okay, maybe bsturz off and infinity in
With all respect but pretty sad you give Incomplete a direct invite while letting FF, OVERLOAd, Authentic, Fatgames playing a qauli..
with all respect Inc placing 4th last season is not good enough? what you mentioned still have chances to get in if they are good enough
Yea last season ??? And now just come back 2 weeks before the EC and direct invite
looks like you are an insider, please no need to talk if you got no clue. Inc has been longer together than many others in your list, so your point is not valid.
Maybe i said get back active 2 WEEKS BEFORE EC because before that i know Spirea only played 3on3s and i dont know if Sanda is also in Incomplete for the EC then i can also say he was inactive for last 3 monts.... And im not rlly talking about shit that they suck or anything else I only think some more clans showed some better stuff this year or lately...
there is no need to be active to play ec.. i dont get what you are pointing at.. and actually its not anyones business if they are playing 6 praccs/day nor 2 pracc / week.
.... You dont rlly get my point... Like i said i got nothing against them but if you only need to watch what they did last 20 years then you will always get the same clans to play EC... i think Authentic, FF , Fatgames , OVERLOAd are bit better AT THE MOMENT then Incomplete.... but if there would be more direct invites i would ofc say inc with it... but i just think some clans are activer and showed some better things lately
I don't see many teams in the list who have been longer together than incomplete
Like i said nothing to do with how long played together just the fact about activitey lately and what they showed last months etc
last months there hasn't been much else than cdc, so not much chance... anyway most of the invited teams haven't been very active either
True that but also the POL LAN where FF and Authentic both played also Authentic was pretty active in almost every 6o6 cup but gl anyway hope sanda will play <3
authentic deserves a quali at least, which they got, and I think they are happy for that

just too bad that u think some auth guy cheats :XD
Sherlock :XD Think im not the only one if one gay of them is hitting bodyshots only and dont know how to play a game on a LAN think thats pretty sad... but gl anyway
honestly I don't see the point about ppl whining about the amount of HS.. I never even try to shoot HS, when bodyshots are kinda effective as well... and if u hit bodyshots with high acc, it makes opponent lag
Who cares about what you shoot but if you shoot 20400650949659054 hs online and you shoot 10 offline halleluja and when you are the aggressive as hell online and only camp and dont push then i know enough
March 13
02:19 Removed member(s) Koto
they kick skillers :<
Muse :(

Clanbase = lol
Clans are selected for EuroCup participation based on their stability.

this is fake or something?
replace edit with one4one and thats the REAL direct invite list.
no way in hell that 141 get's a direct invite.
well look at that link !
this is a right decision i guess only who are ovs to deserve a qualifiers and why bsturz still allowed to play!
not that bad this time...
fatgames should get direct invite, not inc
141 got direct invite over fatgames...lold
gL highbot
1st sry but 141? when savak can beat them and they are not even in quali? pls... and more fight Poland vs Poland or France vs France that's fucking fair play
2nd thing -> bSTURZ... ;/
3rd sry but imho inc and desire ( when i look at lineup @ ) shouldn't be here
and france
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