<[o]> - bSTURZ (sticky plz)

Hey, the EC invites are just published, we (Europe <[o]> - part of 8bits) have to face Europe bSTURZ.
Seeing that bSTURZ are the most hated team in the EC qualifiers and possibly the worst team to be considered for EC.
I am writing this journal as a petition to support the fact that they shouldnt be in EC.

The thing is, we got a few possibilities:
- Just play and most likely get raged :P
- Don't play, lose our EC quali
- Remove bsturz from the cup, and replace them with another team (won't happen I guess.. admins)
- Make a poll/petition, like this !

Germany myth6s : obvious ..
Germany oGr_
Hungary seNti
Belgium Circus (aapke) : http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=2983372&suspend=1 / http://rfki.voetsjoeba.com/trixaap.JPG
Sweden pepper : obvious ..
United Kingdom jkkz : http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=2780955&suspend=1 -> replaced by Estonia Deadeye (by aapke's demand)

To end, we hope to get the support from you guys, and we all wish the best of luck to the participating teams (not counting bsturz in).
Regards, Worm
poll is made ===>
Admins won't(/can't?!) sticky journals
dont play and hope they are replaced :/
who the fuck cares if they are hated?
point is that they have cheaters in their lineup, ban them
-> replace them with o2

dont understand why u dont wnat another opponent instead aswell btw, u fear u could lose that one aswell or what -_-
imo replace them with savak, but yes, should be banned -,-
we can't get there anyways!
(xz|EMERICA) Hey mate :) Can i ask why ovs and bsturz ?
([CB]Bartichello) ovs because of their unique location(was between then and infinity) abnd bsturz because of them previously competing in the EC

You see, EC is about skills, not who u know or where you live :P
I hope so too.
you can't sticky a journal..
shite :D, need halp :(
ban the fucking cum outta here!
i hope they will be removed
myth6s is also a hacker
myth6s never got busted @ all.

IP`s didnt match, when he got faked ~2 years ago.
And there`s nothing else about him, u failed.
I wasn't talking about a bust. I just said that he is a cheater and i don't need any proof to see that.
I guess you are very fucking proud of your EC quali spot!
I heard he's cousin of pansemuckl! but it isn't true, but it could be!
don't play them, let them win EC if they don't get replaced.
And hope for a nice ESL season
ban those bitches pls!
Inc Ban!
Whouaaaaa il a connu crossfire le wnb. Maintenant il posttttt rhoooooo clap clap go away noob.
crypzz: Member For: 1 year, 1 month and 28 days

sCred: Member For: 1year , 22days

Il la connu avant toi donc c'est toi le wnb , nah !
maybe j avai un old accunt ? ;D
Non , mais de toute façon t'es un wnb :D
j'ai rien dis moi
CB have to do something bout it if all other EC teams refuses to play against them.... but yeah DO THEY GOT BALLS FOR IT?
- Remove bsturz from the cup, and replace them with another team (won't happen I guess.. admins)

best opinion imo^^
Yea they should be banned for life, pathetic people..
Just let them play
March 13
Removed member(s) Koto

says enough about this "team"
Just do the same thing that did sol with the random hacker team some days ago.
and what did he do? can't remember atm :(
you dont deserve qual either
get cb ban plz
already had one like a year ago.
well just play, there will be ettv anyway.
I remember kenta doing the most insane stuff on ETTV but he wasnt banned till he turned up on the nC list. (talking about spraying hs everywhere while jumping and the nice shot on supplydepot where he shot a guy you couldn't see)
You can't ban person unless u have pbscreen imo and well the new private hacks have pbblockers and all shit so you probably can't ban them even if they shoot 3 hs per man and aim through walls like insane.
They should get replaced by us!
don't play them, try to force cb to replace them with the support of the other ec teams.
Don't play!!
Keep your statement,
let clanbase see how it ruïns their cup to let ex-cheaters play.

PS: everyone who will attack me, yes I know I cheated to
this guy is 1 of a million : )
was that ment in a good way? thx then :D
else you are to predictable
don't play
dont play, they will get replaced due to public demand (i hope)
get all teams together and don't play a single match until bsturz is removed
we wouldnt have played them either if we got them...

u got 141's support!
ban bSTURZ pl0x
gl myth6s ^^
Should blutSTURZ be allowed to play EC?
- By request of various people on crossfire blutSTURZ, after hea...
No - boycott!: 78.5%

Stop whining and let them...: 12.9%

Show me results!: 8.6%

hahahahahahahahaha xD
Current GBooky Top Player
de socks
128 Bets :: 19632.33€ Capital

btw need merc 3on3, pmme quick on irc~!
Savak deserves it so much more.
I had a dream about you last nite for some strange reason, You lived across the road from my uncle, and me and a friend were standing outside your house and you had like 6 brothers all with blonde hair and they said are you a ET player and I said yea then they brought me in to meet you in your house.. how fuckin weird is that?
GL worm & spiroze! <3
you have jetroo
ban the basterds
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