Vista problems ;C

I can't play et, while i'm trying to play it is lagged, does somebody know what problem could it be?

I've got windows vista, if anybody can help me pls reply
ET works fine under Vista @ me
well, you should get a decent OS imo.
vista is better than XP..
yes it is. but still Mac OS X > Linux > Windows Vista > Windows XP
Linux > MAC OS X > Windows XP > windows 2000 > windows 98 > Vista
get knowledge about o/s and then reply to my comments, k thx
currently vista is big failure, if you are planing on buying a o/s, id highly recommand XP since vista wont be effective for the next months
that's absolutely not true. you got some facts?
get xp and then reply to my comment.
I got Windows XP Pro & Arch Linux, np4me
same tbh o:
geddon and me won vs high skilled :)
laik thats hard with geddon xD

who were playing?
2on2 only we 2 :) we made defix egoquit and stuff :'D
who were playing from defix? xD and i understand they egoquit vs mr.coder :p
chmpp & someone else anyway enemies egoquitted in cod4 as well :c

so stop palying wit hzeh hackker? believe me he never turns anything off :p
but he's so nice in vent!
its not, but it will be eventually, maybe 6 months
more i think.
XP SP3 >>> vista SP1
it's already better

maybe if you get vista running flawlessly, but there still so many problems

ofcourse if i had vista and xp sitting here, i would install vista... but only because it looks nicer
read random reviews.. only bad things are that it needs more ram and you will lose some fps in games
yes vista's functionality is way better when everything works

but you also fail to point out that there are still problems with drivers and more too
well get new hardware from known companies and you won't have any driver prob even with the 64-Bit version
the support from hardware vendors is the problem with vista,

vista by itself is "OK", but they changed to much and I dislike many of those changes + I think the earo gui is ugly
i cant help but laugh at this reply

do you know how hard it is/was to find a good accel remover?! i could go on but thats enough for me

as far as hardware goes, i rather not spend £9999 on a pc and i try to cut as many corners as possible, fair enough if your a millionaire buy only what vista supports, but mate, you are not mr. vista, not every1 has hardware that vista currently supports, and therefore, vista is not the preferred OS yet.

Notice the date, 1-2fps differences to XP and Vista. XP has been out for 7 years, everything has changed in the driver level, and it took some time. What is your excuse? Please tell me what problems, please tell me that you have used Vista before being a dumbass.
yes you are actually retarded

like i said in my post

today xp > vista

soon vista > xp

learn 2 read "its not, but it will be eventually, maybe 6 months"

i dont care for 1-2 fps and as i said way before you wrote this reply, id install vista over xp because it will be better, but as far as non-gaming and general pc usage goes, xp is still better because there are little problems. i never referred to xp being out for 7 years, but by me saying vista will be better in 6months + kindof relates to that exactly and i know full well thats the reason why xp is better, and you just admitted that yourself in your efforts to make me look like a stupid idiot.. instead, your quite the idiot

and im sorry but your 1 review has nothing over the several other hundred vista and xp reviews, its common knowledge that xp > vista atm, its faster and easier to set up and get running smoothly ie. its better, you'll notice i also mentioned vista is nice if u can get it running flawlessly, which is possible, depending on your hardware and plug + play devices

oh and lastly, that link you posted:

Quote"One undocumented issue that has been fixed in ForceWare 163.69 is the random slowdown bug that affected GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB cards. As a result of the bug, in some cases performance would suddenly drop dramatically. Users would have to alt-tab out and then back into the game (clearing the card’s video memory) to resolve this issue."

again proves my point

thanks and:

plz, get a brain
Your post only proves that you don't know shit, sorry. Also the fact that you haven't used Vista is a big plus.

The review was from late 2007, so get brains too.
you think that vista > xp today?!

you dont = majority of users
If you buy hardware/computer now, it is not wise to get XP. For older PC's of course XP is a better choice. New hardware, new OS, there is no reason to go XP on a modern PC. If Vista isn't your thing, you can always downgrade the license to XP Professional(only Business and Ultimate).
Vista <3
change vista to xp imo
i cant do this ;C i have laptop hp 9790
nvidia graphics card?
yep 8600M GS 512
quit ET its a waste of time
QuoteI've got windows vista

u found ur problem
^ I found a dumbass on the intternets!
"Yey mister internet hero that had no knowledge and had to say something"
didnt open zeh link
Again, proves that you are more of a dumbass that I could even imagine.
o rly? good to know, i care:>
Play on a NON-PB Server, then go on a PB Server.
If you have no lag on NON-PB server, then its pb and you could try to solve that kind of problem with a higher pb_sleep value (if I remember right).
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