image: 20040319h

Anonymity is the cause of this boring laming going on with the leaked ippw.

It's the equivalent of someone running onto the football pitch wearing a Netherlands shirt in the middle of a game. Nobody would have the balls to do it, thanks to the anonymity of the internet, they do.

They should grab the server log, and cross refernce the IP's with crossfires database. No punishment. Just post the list for the lulz.
Quote fugg on 11/09/07, 17:53:49

think the majority of the kiddies are the way they are coz of the absence of authority that they would normally feel in the real world. Don't think any of these -15 or 16year olds who sit in front of the computer "pwning" everyone for hours would have the balls to randomly say Fuck You to someone whos 18+ so randomly and leave with an arrogant "byebye"
just ban them
wtf happend?
MigrosBudget, np
hes a job for mama imo
Not only do they have the server IP password, they also have the rcon password as they were sending console messages via rcon, fucking retards tbh.

Would be a good idea for server admins with ftp access to change rcon pass and check through the logs.
haha, agree!
nice one
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