Blu-ray / HD-DVD

Is it worthy to buy a Blu-ray / HD-DVD drive atm?

Do you already have one?

Movies aren't expensive that's why I'm thinking about buying such a device.
Hi siltardobastardio
i'd wait
hddvd will die
ye, but there are some drives which can handle hd-dvd & blu-ray
HD-DVD is canceled by toshiba LOL gg
Well HD-DVD is going out slowly were as Blu-ray is staying strong and growing
HD DVD is dead
HD-DVD Is dead. If your going for a blu-ray you may aswell get a PS3 as for that price to get a console included is a pretty good deal
but i want it for my pc :p
no wait
HD-DVD lost :( 2bad it was so much better for everyone but fony were being bitches.
oh haha ^^,) Sorry, can't really help then!
Only have it on my PS3 atm, movies are awsome quality :)

They have a decent selection of Blu-ray movies @ ;)
Buy HD-DVD, BluRay is waste of money atm. You may as well just add another laserpointer to your current DVD-Drive, it does the same job.
omg, sounds nice! how can I add another laserpointer? :o
n1ce replying skillz and no I won't click on this link..
The excitement about my prank made forget to hit the reply button. Off now, have to get up early for Praktikum tomorrow. Good night!
blue ray but not yet
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