Poker books

Hello crossfire,
i wonder if you can give me some recomendation on good poker books if you read any... I already read Phil Gordon´s "Little green book" and its great (my poker skill really improved!). I know there are quite a lot of poker books, but i need something really good, like phil gordon´s books. Thx
books are for gays, just play with instinct and remember to all-in as often as possible
Can this be used on everything? Cooking, economics etc? :) 99% of all poker professionals have read a poker book.
please...stop saying bullshit
Doyle Brunson-Super systems1&2

Harrington on Holdem 1&2
Fold bad hands, raise good ones
try Doyle Brunson's books, this guy is playing for like 50 years, enough recomendation imo
Harrington on holdem(1,2,3) are widely regarded as the best tournament poker books around but If you're planning on playing cash games then his new book 'Harrington on cash games' is out soon so wait for that.

Only one I have found useful was Sklansky´s "The Theory Of Poker", it helped my short-stack play.
poker books i lold
do you also you a football book for playing?
i've been amazed by many of ur comments
so i have one question: are u trolling?
i'M actually pleased to hear that from such a famous guy like you are
but to be honest i don'T know what trolling is if it'S meant to be fake accounting or smthng like that, then no
books in the age of zeh internet..lolz :D
Harrington on Hold’em,poker strategy and one important book for evry pro:) -- It was written in 1978 under the original title “How I Made Over $1,000,000 Playing Poker” by two-time World Champion Doyle Brunson (1976 and 1977).But ofc just play a lot and found the right tournaments for you .
my eyes glanced over this topic too fast, thought the title was: pokemon books..
Sklansky's theory of poker is a good choice. Harrington's books if you want to read tournament poker.
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