My mouse shenanigans : Part 2.

Ok, I didn't manage to catch it last night, so tonight is the night!

Baited with chocolate, this trap should work. They are nocturnal, so I'll have to wait a good few hours at least.

image: mouse2

If you didn't read my first journal about this mouse, here it is.
gl! show them who's the boss in pedros shag
he seems a nice little guy, don't hurt him!
Needs more cheese.
they are cute dont kill them :(
his mousetrap even say "Never touch or kill a mouse again" :/
It says "LIVE CAPTURE", so I don't plan on killing it!

I've also named it Morus if it's a boy and Ingrid if it's a girl.
u put it to cage D:?
No, once caught, I will set it free to roam the hills, valleys and beyond!
ahahaha funniest mousetrap ever :D:D
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