fps drops = lag?

I've got this weird problem, whenever I'm at some place on a map that causes any fps drops, I get weird lag spikes which trigger antiwarp. If I set my fps to something low like 43, it doesn't happen as often since fps don't tend to drop then.

does anyone know why this is happening and how can I make it so even if I get fps drops, they don't lag me out?
packets overloading your net probably, what maxpackets and fps do you use and how much does it drop
as in, outside packets unrelated to et? it seems to me that if fps drops = less packets are recieved so why should my net lag out when recieving less packets?

also, it started happening when I got a new connection, but thing is that it's faster than my old one in both dl and ul speed.

err, edit:
usually, 71 fps and 100 packets, though I found myself setting fps to about 50 on maps which tend to cause more fps drops to avoid lagging out(like swgr).

maxpackets - 100 usually, but I tried setting it to 40 or so and it doesn't change anything.
right your maxpackets cant exceed your max fps, and must be equal to your fps or it divided by an integer

so 71 fps means youll get 71 packets maximum dropping to 36 packets whenever your fps drops by .5 or more

at 50 fps youre looking at 50 packets dropping to 25 when you loose .5 fps

this basically means your connection is going to be fluctuating with your shitty fps :[ you should steal a nice new pc from work or smth

however if youre only noticing it since you got the new isp they may be limiting your traffic over ports other than standard http / ftp, this is pretty common way for them to lower demand on their infrastructure and most users dont notice this ofc..

you may be able to experiment with cl_packetdup and b_optimiseprediction to see if they help out a bit, anyway its too early in the morning, ill be on irc most of the day apart from 10:00-13:00 gmt if you want qry
cheers, I'll try that.
loled at the stealing part :DDD
a nice new PC won't work with ET, cause punkbuster is fucking shit
I still get fps spikes cause of punkbuster on my PC and I can run crysis 40fps on dx9 very high.
i dont, probably because i know how to maintain my os?
probably because you're lucky.
I know how to maintain my OS also, and it was spiking the same when I first installed my OS. Stfu.
no really, youre bad at computer
zomg its cypher! :)
hi2u m8 long time no see :)
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