after format...

image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48

... i need halp!

1) which security software - i'm gonna use AVG again I think, was quite ok imo! any other suggestions?

2) n3rdtoolz - all the mousestuff for windowsregistry etc TELL ME WHAT TO GOOGLE FOR

3) basically: I just installed winxp - service pack2 - motherboard - gfxdrivers - monitor(plug&play, awesome!) - gonna install office etc.

any other important things i need to do? my brains sorta damaged, so I keep forgetting things that are more than a month ago

10x and hUgZ

image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48image: format-audio-48x48
get NOD32 somewhere, it's ownage (no it's not free :x)
AVG is ok!
XPAntiSpy, O&O Defrag Pro, Adaware personal edition, Your Uninstaller Pro, VLC Media Player

my format cd consists of: Azureus, peer guardian, mousefixes, nod32 business edition, drivers and stuff, nero, java installer, google updater for firefox etc, Klite mega codec pack, nnscript for mirc, all seing eye serverbrowser, flashplayer, pbsetup, teamspeak & vent, everest home edition and cpu-z -.-

but i installed "How to decode v2.0" else
I have a fulll security Ad-Aware 07 +Ad-watch & Kaspersky 07 full protection
foobar2000 ;)
Antivirus/Firewall -> Kaspersky Internet Security
oper + hijack + spybot + only torrents = av noneded
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