wmo1.1a and ie3.0 accel differences

mouse accel fix installed:

demo of WMO1.1a and 3.0v2 accel in quake 3 using cpma 1.45:

QuoteTest: move 3.0 and wmo 1.1a slow and then fast to see the difference over the length of my qpad ct to the best of my ability (40cm)

i have the 3.0 v2 (the dark grey version) and a WMO 1.1a (black version)

basically, using the same accel fix by anir, it almost completely removes accel from the 3.0 (as it has done for the past 6+ months) whilst its still very much there in the WMO 1.1a.

why is this?! Surely if i am using intellipoint 6.2 and have accel turned off in that, in addition to the razer forum accel fix installed then i should notice little to no acceleration in both.. not just 3.0... (yes i do understand no fix is perfect... but why the large difference?)

Itis annoying really because i like the wmo 1.1a shape better... just not the accelleration :) the only explanation i can think of is that my mouse reg values are messed up because if i run the enabler i get the BSOD every time i move my mouse until i disable it again lol :( reformat?!

thanks <3
i agree / k / good to know / 1st
you forgot: ask perfo
maybe sensor of the wmo 1.1a is shit? But i have no knowledge about that stuff, you should contact Mztik or urtier they seem to know such stuff.
use the 6th notch @ windows sens, use the mousefix registry values (shouldnt be necesarry, but just to be sure), disable enhanced pointer precision.

Are you using PS/2 or USB? Try to use the other option and increase the polling rate (see if its stable with dx mouse timer dialog).
500hz? if yes no clue
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