Windows vista hehehe

Just got a laptop and it has vista installed on it and i seem to have trouble playing these 4 dvds i burned , is copied material blocked on the vista ? ;//////
also i have trouble filesharing from windows xp to the vista ... got the internet working finally but cant seem to share files...

conclusion : vista sucks.
in response to the question? =)
that visto suxx
Ive heard that if you can find out - burning copied dvd's or burnt DVD's On vista won't work

My mate tried it (low + pc's) and wtf'd when it didn't work...

might be a way round it but idk.
great.... if i didnt need it for other purposes id be pissed
Thats really smart to notice that vista sucks :D
conclusion: user sucks
is copied material blocked on the vista ?
ofcourse, not

How would I live otherwise?
i have vista and i don not have any problems watching burned dvds. The only problem is taht the dvds i un using vista are not recognised by XP. but as long as my dvd player gets them, then im happy :)
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