fps probs

Ok so, ive always had stable fps with this pc (125) but some time before cdc4, my fps was stable for a period of time (1 map) but then it went dropping from 125>60 all the time.. Ive formatted my pc and stuff, scanned everything, installed the newest drivers for everything.
I was praccing yesterday and my fps was (like everytime i join a server) stable!! untill I noticed it went bad again when an airstrike went off.

Any things in my config i could adjust so this doesnt happen? The thing is, ive always had stable fps, so i doubt its the hardware:(

its really crappy aiming if everything is really choppy-_-

PC specs: Intel dualcore 1800
geforce 6800

Its not the best pc, but ive always managed tog et 125 stable with any config. It has almost become impossible to get a decent 1o1 kill on maps like sw_gr and radar nowadays-_-
got it too i think

format c
"Ive formatted my pc and stuff, scanned everything, installed the newest drivers for everything."
I have the same problem, sometimes it goes 125 to 60, 50 and else..
edit: It is new NVIDIA drivers fault imo, try to install the older one and the problem should be gone
wich one would you recommend ?
101_02 or smthing
you might have a download link for that? ive tried to find it, but links are dead? or a link from a different driver?
I dont have any links, i just read about that problem in nvidia forum, soz, but type google "Forceware 101.02 " and u can find some links
"Ive formatted my pc and stuff, scanned everything, installed the newest drivers for everything."
For some people ET is getting suckedup in there RAM, try to run ET and look at what it does in ctril+alt+del and then look at the processes.

EDIT: let ET run for a while..
True, but ive had this pc for over a year, and it has always worked perfect, untill some time.
i think it was blaming you for leaving your PC alone, when u went to cdc4, maybe it was jaloes :x
same shit since 1-2 weeks
try to find some driver reviews for your graphics card. which is best for et. otherwise i dunno, coz u already format c: / scan / etc...

imo driver prob
sorry but did i understood correctly: you have taken teKoa and BuLL as cheaters? :D
I got a lot better PC and hardly stable fps
then you're fucked xD
appel potverdie SHHTTT!!
haha noob :D
welke forceware type heb je trouwens voor je geforce 6800
geen id!!!! heb je een id welke ik moet hebben?
com_maxfps 71
still choppy and goes to 50-60
com_maxfps 50
You got some trash there, format is the answer.
U got some trash in your face if u tell format again
So you will have to format my face?
people talked about this kind of fps problems alot lately and all are blaming pb .. dunno :]
who's the guy @ the right I saw him screaming true Toxic's mic to ferus that he sucks xD
Are you kidding me?
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