Yawn icon?

Hey guys i got a question i entered my PBGuid some weeks ago and dunno how but @ yawn there is still no icon? (icon image: ico_notice ) did i do a mistake? or someone else has the same problem? :D

The punkbuster guid is known to other game communities/leagues.
I wait like 2 months now and its still not yellow @ yawn, how comes?
it takes forever to get there
i ve the same problem.
Would be cool if some admin could look into it, since i am not the only person with that problem. Anyone know who i can talk to? Yawn/Crossfire admin? Any names? : ((
Yawn doesn't sync automaticaly with crossfire, its done manually.
The fastest way to get it synced is to request it on the forum since tziek often forgets it.

hi2u² who are you? :)
duno, but you have a nice photo. so i wanted to say hoi
have u entered the full or the short PB guid?
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