G5 mousemat

oke i would like some clear answers:

need a mousemat for LOGITECH G5 mouse!

take note that i am playing with LOWSENS

plz give reason why i should take your choice.

thinking about one of these: (but if you know a better option, feel free to tell me)
- Everglide Titan
- Steelpad Qck
- Razer Mantis CONTROL

EDIT: thanks for all your info! off to amsterdam to buy a mousemat!
- Everglide Titan i got this 1 and its playing very nice i would recommend this :D
and you are lowsens too?
yes 900 dpi ingame sens 1 windows sens is standard
QCK+ because its just the best for G5
EDIT: its huge and im@lowsense too!
and it looks good :) nice and clean
QPad biggest and thickest works for me
qck+ doesn't work well with g5 (you'll get negative acceleration), so avoid it

dunno about the others, I'm using an alsop raindrop
lol, you are the only guy that i have seen with raptor gaming p4 pad...my 2nd pad now,used to be first
what's your mousepad now ? 8D
steelpad qck+ heavy
steelpad 5L tbh
qck + or heavy
I dont like the everglide titan much. It has a very rough surface and thus you will have a lot of friction.

The steelpad qck+ or qck-heavy are both nice pads.

I've tried the razer mantis speed, which is sort of the same as the steelpad qck, however I have not tried the mantis control. I know it has a surface that looks like a golfball or something, but never tried it.

A steelpad 5L is btw also a nice pad.
i feel no friction @ all with the everglide tbh but i think it is different for every person
I just got it yesterday and it feels soooo much rougher than a steelpad or qpad for instance. Feels like a cats tongue imo so your hand will not slide over the pad smoothly (thus friction).
i agree on that but my hand doesnt touch the pad when i play and my mouse moves smoothly over the pad so its fine for me
best comment so far! thnx for the info!
u just need to try some pads thats the only way u can find the good 1 becuz all ppl have a diffrent opinion about it
ye i just wrote down some options and i am just gonna search for a store in Amsterdam today that sells em all (or most of them). ill take my mouse with me so hopefully i can test them there.

you wouldnt happen to know a good store?
no soz i dont know amsterdam very good i had go to haarlem for my mousepad cuz they dont have those stuff in my town :D but dont go to the regular computer store they dont have them prolly.
ye i noticed :( i asked for steelpad, razer mantis and Qpad in my town and they looked at me like i was from Mars...

oh btw im going through haarlem when i come from school...is that store near the central station?
Got the g5 with a ICEMAT and i <3 it sens : 1.47 (or something like that)
To be more precise, personally, I had qck heavy, tested qck+, steelpad 5l, steelpad SX and atm using qpad CT.
Point is, wheter you like friction or not. I make lots of prediction errors, so pad without friction (as qck heavy, and steelpad SX), are not for me, since it would only make my aim worse, friction gives you opportunity to get rid of aim errors, but it makes your aim not fluid, as if you have used a smooth pad. Nobody can actually tell you which pad to buy, I can only recommend, Qpad CT, which is in the middle, qck if you like friction, and steelpad SX without friction.
Hope you`ll find it useful
thanks, ill keep it in mind!
Icemat > all! thx u!
Im a low sensor (1.3) and i have a G3,the Razer mantis control is perfect,i have the latge one which is even better.
The only bad point is,its a bit irratating on my wrist.
titan is best!
I got the G5 with a Steelpad 4S olol, and I also play with a low sens (400DPI / 1.4)
i got g5 + everglide titan

lowest sens ever
As you use lowsens, I won't even lose any words on pads smaller than 40cm in width.

QcK (Heavy/+): By far the best real cloth surface. Too bad it only lasts for 1-2 weeks. After that it just becomes some random smooth cloth pad.

Titan (same as fnatic and DKT edition): Guess even after 2 years the surface will remain almost the same. It's not as smooth as the QcK and not as fast, but atleast it's consistent.

Razer Mantis Speed: It feels similar to the first few days of a QcK, I'm not sure if it wears out or not, just tested it at CDC.

Razer Mantis Control: Feels pretty rough, but still it's fast and pretty smooth. Not sure if it wears out.

Fatal1ty Pad: Smooth, pretty ok speed and it seems to be long lasting. Hard to get those in Europe though.

X-Ray Aqua 3: Didn't like it as it was way too thin, but the surface wasn't too bad. It's pretty cheap as well.

Qpad: Fast and smooth, no real cloth pad though. Will get my CT version of it this week still I hope, so I can check if it lasts longer than most of its contenders.

Selfmade Icemat (not sure if that laser crap tracks on it): Won't wear out, will always provide a smooth and fast surface without any resistance. Unfortunetely it will kill about one set of hyperglides (or any other teflon feet) within 1 month.

Wish there was a pad that provides the glide and height of a brand new Steelpad SX with Corepad Skates with the comfort aspect of the larger clothpads and the durability of an icemat :-(
Hey urtier,

Nice write-up.

As for the Fatal1ty Pad:

I'll be ordering this one soon. But I also saw this one:

Still have to make up my mind as to which one I will be ordering. But seeing that the Fatpad will last longer I lean more to that one.

If you have tested the Qpad CT for about two weeks give me a pm and tell me what you think of it. Most people didn't want to believe me but I noticed that the pad became slower after one week of usage. Afer that it became a pretty consistent pad, so I thought. After two weeks I noticed some "moodswings". It became faster, then slower then faster etc.

I saw that you have slicksurf feet. Are they any good? On pair with (or better than) hyperglide feet?
I'd only recommend the slicksurf skates on the icemat or on similar hard pads (glass, metal). They are not fast enough for other pads as the only advantage they give is that they don't wear out too fast and provide a consistent glide. Can't see hyperglides or so wearing out on cloth or plastic pads (S&S maybe, but guess that's it)
qpad ct
G5 + lowsens = fail, but anyway i recommend EVERGLIDE titan monstermat or QPAD CT
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