Story about german assholes.

Woman Goes for Leg Operation, Gets New Anus Instead

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A German retiree is taking a hospital to court after she went in for a leg operation and got a new anus instead, the Daily Telegraph is reporting.

The woman woke up to find she had been mixed up with another patient suffering from incontinence who was to have surgery on her sphincter.

The clinic in Hochfranken, Bavaria, has since suspended the surgical team.

Now the woman is planning to sue the hospital. She still needs the leg operation and is searching for another hospital to do it.,2933,339270,00.html
xDD owned
^___________^ ownage
whats wrong with a anus upgrade?
Nothing much, But if u have serious problems with ur legs ;D
anus upgrade+leg surgery=win
better anus = higher fps?
too much german porn
It's not the Anus, it's the intestine that's been operated. Who the fuck trusts Fox News anyway?
a quick google reveals: fox news is indeed stupid.

first of all it's the hochfranken-klinik in münchberg, second she didn't really get a new anus, but they removed parts of her intestinal and created a new artificial 'exit' for the intestinal. (call it anus if you want, but i doubt it's anything like an anus you'd expect)
Don't get excited, it's just a funny story...

Sounds like your mom's got herself a new asshole for free ! ;P
better shit quality!
in bavaria all r drunk whilst work so no wonder
now she can take up 4 dicks at once !
dirty little pornfreak
take it more serious fucking idiot
... e-gangsta
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