BSG Fans!

Important points:

New BSG series called Caprica, starts filming in Spring to air in Autumn
BSG Will be streamed online 10 hours before its shown on TV
BSG is better than every other show on TV, medically proven.

BSG Will be streamed online 10 hours before its shown on TV


ps: razor was a let down :<
ps2: it was pro, but, I want to see the EPIC BATTLE from the end of S3, I can't listen to All Along The Watchtower without thinking of that scene.
Razor wasnt a let down it just kinda pointless in terms of the narrative.

btw if they limit the IP's to US only for the streaming is there a way to get around that?
Mmm, nope, not unless you found someone in the US with major upload speed, who was to give you a private VPN tunnel, but that would probably never happen.

But... someone will probably rip the stream and torrent it, so we can still see it early!
Hmmm where did that swedish comment go?

I was just trying to translate it, came back and its been deleted :s
possibly admin abuse because tosspot is a BSG NEYERD and doesn't want offtopic comments, GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?

that or he just deleted it because he's a fag (edit: i mean the swedish guy is a fag)
Meez has two valid points but also I just delete anything in some shitty language :) I dont know what part of the journal made isen think I wanted something in swedish but he was WRONG!!
lol, atleast you don't ban for it
the streaming sounds awsome, should be smth to watch.
unfortunately I reckon it'll be US IP blocked like their downloads are on iTunes
hmhmh someone will think of a way around it, well i hope anyway.
Hopefully meez will above!
well he did come up with the lovely pedobear pic, so the sky is the limit.
Big BSG fan here too, really been missing it, nothing I look forward to on TV at all these days......
Kendle, have you watched Firefly?

If not, I highly recommend it. It has a similar 'feel' to BSG, the camera work, the non-static space cameras (which could be argued that BSG 'stole'), and the whole 'bad living conditions, but we get by' atmosphere.

Similar to Jericho in the way that you see the action from the point of view of the little guys.
can't fucking wait for s4 to start :x
I'm the 13th Cylon.
Sweet. The wait feels like an eternity. :)
btw the new bsg episodes air on the 4th of april :)
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