How often do you format your pc?

Title says it all!
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every week for bestest fps!
answer seriously pl0x!
dno, once in a year because of new hardware c:
mhh dont know..

only if needed =)
once in its lifetime
Why did you delete and then re-post this journal?
regular users can not delete their journals, i've told you this twice already
OK teacher i admit, i didn't do my homework.
ask Frop why
Last format: 2007. 11. 19.
I format my windows partition every month. Linux nevar needs formatting unless I change distro.
last format was about 2006

ext3 !!
once in a year.
once a year
when i get new mobo (once in 2 years~)
once in a year or so
too lazy to do that more often :P is also a harmful site :/
every month or rarely two, never longer.. eventhough i always avoid opening any potentially harmful sites or files, i don't trust any antivirus enough to keep one installation alive longer than mentioned period
never formatted :D
format is never necessary lol
installed 16w 5h 56m 53s ago
lul, how did you check?
nn script system info
default: press F9 and check for the windows symbol then say in active
thx for info :}
once a month about
Did it yesterday after 3 years the first time.
8 months ago did it every month now didnt format almost 8 months
Never did. Install is about 5 years old now. Current uptime is 8 weeks.

One of the reasons why i found out that Windows XP can't sort your start menu properly if you have more than 256 items in it :D
when I want to install a different os
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