can it be...

more fucked up

so here is the story.

I just had webcam sex with 2 girls and clever as I am I recorded 20 min of finest webcam pr0n but then my pc crashed and I lost all the stuff. :c

post some phunniez to make my day better! thx

edit: I recovered it! <3 =D
Laughing at you!
and so I am
Ye, he's such a downerboy ain't he?
14 ( 19 May 1993 ) :D
Go back to your sandbox!
lies ! no proof,nothing happened

edit* 14 years old
Child porn would be illegal anyway.
c'mon stop with dat sh1t!
few days ago you asked for advice about girls and now you had webcam sex with that hax or are u just pro?
must be a lie...
dude.. seriously what is wrong with you!?
why are you asking?
you post a journal about girls, and wondering if you should get a girlfriend or not.. if its natural.

a few days later you come on crossfire and boast about WEBCAM sex. You need to get some in Real life.. its so much different.

all your seeing is a girl on the other side of the screen - you can't touch her or anything.. its not COOL to have this happen. Just.. normal tbh

so stop being a retard and trying to boast about girls stripping on webcam. its lame and nobody cares.
care, anyway I recovered it!
Post it here then
ye, ofc I will post such a video here on crossfire...
Yes you will.
there are under 18 and so I am. And I think it's sth personal. ;x
Then you cant prove you really did that.
he just thinks he is extremely funny imo.
maybe he paid for it? shows us ur boobs i got 50 euro!
edit: I recovered it! <3 =D

lol could you sent it 2 me? xDD
lulz ^^ it's sth personal and they aren't very old xD
if he saved it to his hdd, it wouldnt just dissapear after a crash. if he didn't save it before the crash, there is NO way to recover sth like that. he's full of shit.
have you ever heard sth about Temp folder ? Or do you rly think that if you record sth it won't save it on the HDD? :|
upload it then
edit: lol.. personal.. 2 random girls you don't know is personal?
they are under 18...
tbh if you got some 12 year olds to strip for you thats pretty sad.
if they're like 16 or something i dont see a prob, just say they are 18, internet is filled with jailbait.
they are 15 xD but I don't know why I should post it here. If you don't believe me I don't care.
i belive you, and I find it hilarious you actually had "webcam sex"
they only stripped infront of the cam but anyway it was nice to watch ^-^ and "webcam sex" is just a "slang" or however you call it :p
strange storry, strange person, all is strange.
blee :/
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