widescreen for fps?

What about widescreens monitors for fps games? Is it really big diference between 4:3 and 16:10 ?
yes, ask they guys who sucked in lan :PP
I have played both and it requires some accommodation yes
i played with widescreen at cdc3 owned hard liked it. but i stay with CRT tbh
hoi, inbox pl0x!
For ET widescreen is probably better than 4:3 since the maps are quite flat and the gameplay is horizontally orientated.

lol engrish

people need to remember to CHANGE THEIR FOV, going from fov 90 crt to fov 90 widescreen is a waste
I didn't notice anything different :/
that's what he said, you should have noticed if you increased your fov.
because going crt fov 90 to lcd fov 90 = you see the same horizontally, but a lot less vertically

It's best (imo) to keep vertical fov the same, so you see the same vertically as you would, but have more at the sides

can be done from http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/fovcalc.php

explanation from John Carmack (you can't argue with the man that coded the engine to the game you play)

QuoteOn a normal 4:3 aspect ratio screen, a 90 degree horizontal field of view
gives a 75 degree vertical field of view. If you keep the vertical fov
constant and run on a wide screen, you get a 106 degree horizontal fov.

Because we specify fov with the horizontal measurement, you need to change
fov when going into or out of a wide screen mode. I am considering changing
fov to be the vertical measurement, but it would probably cause a lot of
confusion if "fov 90" becomes a big fisheye.
im kinda hangoverish so what do I miss if I play with 90 fov @ widescreen?
you see less because of lower vertical resolution... whole point of widescreen is to see more at the left/right :|
well obviously you see less with lower fov?
i played both 4:3 tft and 16:10 tft, and 4:3 crt, 4:3 crt was clearlu superior.. widescreen doesnt help anything
just play on a usual 4:3 screen with widescreen settings...its ownage!
i play on my laptop with 1680*1050 its nice1
i like widescreen.
seems that me and asmogan are not alone. You born at same day that me and him. 12 august ! :D
i play on a 4:3 rt, best for me imo.
widescreen sux, too high native resolution. and all other resolutions suck @ tft
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