You do but seize my motor fixtures into a likeness not unlike the moon.

There hasn't been a journal around metal music for a while so let's have one right now! \o/

Gimme some not-that-well-known good bands(with some info ofc) that are worth checking apart from the load of average crap so massively produced nowadays.

Personally I can recommend you two really nice bands which I found recently that aren't that well-known, but aren't like totally underground either:

1) God Among Insects - pure ownage Death Metal from Sweden with some known guys in zeh lineup (xfire doesn't like nonames so here you are!) playing also in bands like Dark Funeral, Vomitory or Hypocrisy. The band itself gives us quite brutal stuff which reminds me of things like Bloodbath or (in faster moments) Mumakil. Definitely worth a try, eventhough they stopped existing due to playing in their main bands.

2) Asesino - cool Brutal Death Metal group from Mexico. Stylistically similar to Brujeria(not a real surprise as both bands' leader is Dino Cazares) but faster, more brutal and, especially to be heard on their last CD, more technical. Really worth checking, especially if you're looking for some change when it comes to language of lyrics - everything's in spanish.

3) Ghoul - fantastic mix of Thrash, Death and Grind all the way from zeh USA (do not mistake them with sucky Ghoul from Baltimore, these guys are from Oakland). I have totally no idea why they aren't rich & famous yet, they aren't pretending to be any trv kvlt underground shit, they have sense of humour and their music simply forces you to headbang.

Sorry for engrish, plz gimme some more recommendations, preferably from the genres given above :P

random pic:
image: kozik_exclusive_full_front2_1
I wonder if everyone in Malta cannot read with comprehension.
tbh i wonder whyu you bothered to right that journal i didn't even CARE to read it


WHY x3: Why Why Why
Well if I understood properly you ask me whyu did I write this journal. You state that you don't care about it hence I shouldn't have posted it. Well... entertaining random maltese xfire-boys wasn't my reason during the process of journal creation. Better luck next time.
quak quak :)
Summoning is all you need
symphonic BM ?
epic/atmospheric black metal is what they call themselves
Martriden from the USA
Death Metal with some Black Metal influences . Definitely worth listening. Groovy stuff

Sylent Green from yermany
ex band of my brother. I'd classify them as modern metal. They have a brilliant singer.

Neraia from Germany as well
some friends of mine - progressive death

Sniper - some german russians.
straight forward death thrash, also some friends of mine.

Soul Demise
One of the best German underground bands, Göteborg influenced Death Metal
Cool, nice friends you have :P
Lets say you should listen to pagans mind! They rock! they literally do!
you made me lol
hmmm im not really into nasum-like deathmetal that i know that you prefer, dont really know many underground dm bands, but i would say you should defenitely try this site as a referral, although i think that you already know it

yes, ANUS \m/
interesting indeed

its the most wellknown site on brutal oriented metal

btw the name is not unexpected =D
Well so far I based mostly on polish BDM/Grind sites so this is new for me :ASD btw Panda gave a link to Desecration's myspace - check it out, fucking brilliant stuff!
Quote3) Ghoul - fantastic mix of Trash
ohohoh dowcipnis no prosze :P
demiricious - real street / thrash metal
for the lulz.
Hah Anima Damnata are from my city(well at least the drummer, dunno about the rest) :D Crazy fuckers, I see some of them @ local gigs sometimes.
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