fps problem :S

Since some days i got 10/20 fps for some seconds after that it goes back normal to 76 in every map its the same.. :s dunno whats wrong

Maybe some with pb ?>

Did a format already didnt worked out well :(( so i dont think i got any virus or spyware..

Something with punkbuster or DRIVERS of 3d card..

Normally i had always 76 fps stable in supply braun in grush and other maps 50 but ya now 10 . Cant hit enemy :o
pb_sleep 400


Download pbsetup.exe
pb_sleep 400 whats that ? :)
some cmd's wich evenbalance suggest when you fill in a trouble ticket
ton1 with the bam :D

plz help him .. he is always whining @ ts because of that xD
hm.. check your RAM during you're playing ET
to defrag your HDD could be usefull too...
Make sure that inyour game option you have:

Sync Every Frame: OFF

Hell yes that drops your fps by 75 % :S

donno where it is by heart, but it is in Option > Settings I think
Ask vix0r
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