
Which part of your body are you training and since when?

I'm jogging to get a better condition, training my biceps & triceps and breast in a fitness studio. (I just started again because of a health problem so I kinda start from the beginning)
the legs
since 12.03.08
only legs :DDDDDDDDDDD?
hows the girl situation?
Quote(I just started again because of a health problem so I kinda start from the beginning)

yerrrrright, i bet your girl told you to start working out
not rly.. and I won't tell you about my privacy..
from the seriousness of your reply id say it doesnt go so well :)
For people that only train biceps, triceps and pectoral muscles: have you ever seen a big fucking villa standing on poles with r = 1cm? Didn't think so :D
and right you are.
finger and hand muscles when moviing mouse thats all
wanna begin with bodybuilding again after not training about 2 years
image: hehe1ij9wl4
(c) alexL
whole body with some 3-6 month breaks since I was about 17
Slimming down those thunder thighs?
swimming 7 times a week (+- 6km each time) + powertraining mainly for my back muscles + shoulder&arm muscles
just everything at the gym
Masturbating about 6 times a day.
first you tell about some girl in school you wanna fuck tehn you claim you had camsex with 2 girls and now you try to act cool by telling the whole world about your wnb-fitness?

well i don't know what'S wrong with you, but you are pretty weird man...
my right hand only, atleast every day , 7 years long
whole body 3 times per week. but i'm noob
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