Drago EC Final Panzer (Frostbite) + Maus luger shot (Bremen)
23 Mar 2008, 03:37
Does anyone have the demo for these?
Also, what are your favourite ETTV moments? Shoutcast and demo links required!
Also, what are your favourite ETTV moments? Shoutcast and demo links required!
-night(?) shooting panzer on adlernest when obj was running to transmitter, superb lotto
-clowns 5 or 6 man lotto landmine on radar
-TLR(?) lotto obj recover on radars truck where afterwards shitload of dead body's were lying around (seen in fragarea movie)
-team latvia (highskill) raging mulja/arrow (switzerland) on goldrush/frostbite, there was even stewie casting!
-sqzz lotto frostbite docrun from team-latvia (highskill+still won the game)
-sqzz lotto flagcaptures on bremen/sd/braundorf
-mystic's lotto -4 man takedown (including mAus) vs TLR on braundorf
if someone gives you match details (teams/tourney for example), you can find ETTV demos on gamestv.org from ALL matches LOL
I'll ask squiz if he's got any flag cap's that were shoutcasted though.
EDIT: I actually only have the pistol kill on bremen from butchji's pov, pm me if your interested.
Although it would probably be easier for you to pm Andyf1 on irc, he might be able to set up an ETTV replay of the game so you can record your own demos.
Shit loads to go through though ........
XyLoS getting a 4/5 man kill against cZar on Goldrush (was playing for one4one). It was towards the end of the game and he rushed down main and hit a riflenade off the top of the building at the bottom of the hill, coming down and exploding, taking x amount of players with it. Stewie might have been shoutcasting.
JaKaZc carrying docs in the EC final on adlernest, and jumping down over the bridge whilst no one was shooting him. TosspoT was shoutcasting.
aCoZz raging riZe in the EC semi from behind on adlernest, got like a 5/6 man spree and Tosspot was casting.