crossfire comic #2

i just had an idea while reading shepherds comic and i made it
text totally ripped off from that 'wat' pic and no offense to sheep just found it fitting as he is pedobear. :d

image: img_ab57b257d874f4b16a71998373081db8
I think I missed the joke
you havn't seen the sheep & pansy pedobear pic(s) then..
lol'd :D
sorry, not funny
mmm k ... Failed :C
hahaha totaly epic fail
Quick - not funny tho.
failed epicly
Original is way funnier.
the text is exactly the same you dumb prick, you're just hopping on the wagon.
also, seems like no one even knows the backstory on this, i woulda guessed that more people had seen the sheep pic
The horrific uglyness ruins it.
+ I found the original text funny to read and this text not.
That's exactly why u failed. Nothing original, not even a new joke involved here.

U tried to hop on the (oldfashioned) pedobear wagon mixed with "I cant draw, but hey thats funny"-comic wagon.
was just bored and remembered sheep & this story, so i put 2 togheter. i didn't try to hop on anything
you did and you failed so gtfo
take it easy there, buddy
:(( Failed
i fucking hate when people use ''y''
sheep touched me also
make smth origional and maybe peoplemay start laughing, but nothing is funny about copy/paste and some crappy drawing.
"made me giggle"
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