Problem !!!

- i dont know why but when i start play appear connection interrupted and sometimes i get kicked because of key packets !!!

- i already check and no virus, all right with firewall, update pb , update xp, reinstall e.t.

Help me ? xD

whine off plz
ur connection is ballsed?
hey key packets? try type this in console

/pb_cdkey reg

but first make sure you did all the pbupdates.. get the latest pbupdate and select your game and do pb update
ok then its diffrerent, do you have a router or hub?
rub your dick agaisnt that router for 2 minutes see if it helps
connect your pc to your modem directly without the router .. see if it helps:) then it means your router needs driver updates or its firewall needs to be turned off or something
dunno ?
whine off command ?
/ot_logo 1 and it shud fix it
add it into your autoexec.cfg and it will fix everything :DDDDDDDDDDD
Are you on wireless?, if so upgrade the firmware on the Router.
no wireless ...
Try getting the latest updates for your motherboard or network card?

If your on the latest ones try rolling back.
dont work i already try that one...
Try update PB and then when you play disable your firewall.

I get kicked from ET if my firewall is on as PBa does not send packets, if I disable it it works fine.
- i play more time when i disable firewall like 15/20 min but connection interrupted again.. : /

i already update PB..
selfbustededed oh noes.
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