Icemat + Lasermouse

i have a prob., if u move my Copperhead on icemat a little bit faster as normal it just freezes and dont move, or it jumps up/down.
I dont have it with normal pads.

What does it happen?
lasermice dont work on glasspads
i play already 6 months in this combination and it always worked good
Well, youre mouse doesnt like a cold underground... now he died.. NOW GTFO HOMO FUCK YOUYEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
i think its coz of razer drivers, which i installed 2 weeks ago, is it possible?
dont know but gl
hey, thats really not clever. i see you doing it again and you're gonna get a cold bath
wtf? i didnt wrote anything here at all :S
i think im hacked.. What did it stand?
we need old angrykid to ban the entire ET scene.

no more cheating np
I have Icemat + deathadder works like the charm.

But the laser inside of the deathadder rox maybe thats why.
It starts to "skip" when its dust on the laser. Simply take some alcohol on a q-tip and clean it gently ant let it dry for 5 mins and it should work fine.
da is optical
i prefer drinking that alcohol than using it to mouse.
dunno, seems like he have the same prob as I do and It worked fine afterwards.
Same happend with my g5, did the same and worked fine again.
yeah the same at me, it works 2 days, after it doesnt work correctly again
Well I'm gonna swap my icemat for something else now, Annoyed of cleaning it so much + the noise is annoying :p

But mine haven't skipped since I cleaned it though 3 weeks ago.
i cleaned mice 1 hoeur ago this didnt help, i think its coz of drivers, which i installed 2 weeks ago, coz before it never happened
David Copperfield?

hahhahahah ur right, and nobody before u saw it haha
same problem but with razer exactmat (control side) + g5
As soon as you said : I have a prob

I thought it was another gamehack journal :(
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