lio &alexL the whole truth

Well I dont think I have to explain anyone that lio, alexL and some other guys recently got wrongly kicked for violation Gamehack #80332, but im sure that some of you are still asking yourself, why those 2?

The answer to that question is really simple. Basically we wanted to see the reaction of the ET community after 2 famous players getting kicked for a random punkbuster message, and for that, we needed 2 known players:

lio: was known as one of the most hated, but also most skilled players in the ET scene who also showed that he can keep his skill up at lans just as good as online. None really accused him of cheating since he played that well on all lans he visited, and even if he was known for his flame he was a respected part of the community.

alexL: on the other side was more known as a "cheater" that did not get busted yet, and there were just few people in the whole ET scene who didnt accuse him of using some sort of hack yet. In our case his job was mainly to play the bad guy.

Now when those 2 people were banned for the same violation in the same game, people were asking themselves if lio who performed well at every lan could really be a cheater. The biggest part of the community didnt actually belive that he used cheats, but they were not 100% sure since the known "cheater" alexL got kicked in the same game for the same violation. So it could've also been true since alexL was known for his cheater skills, and his kick was no mistake for sure!

Note: I do take any personal position about alexL nor lio, and I do not know if they ever used any kind of a cheat before.


netCoders is responsable that the following person were kicked (several times) by Punkbuster for the violation Gamehack #80332 in the past 2 weeks: [/b]

- lio (bel)
- alexL (swe)
- the whole team Invitium#force'gamin (pol)
- Griim (Eng)

all the other kicks (~200 until now) were caused by a crossfire admin posting the actual string (which punkbuster was looking for in your virtual memory) on the crossfire page in an newspost aswell as in the crossfire IRC channel. We do not take responsability for that.
:O) OLD! :D
alexL(swe) FAIL
alexL is from sweden :D
sry me is tired
perforator is from ass :D
Use the given threads...nothing new. And the explanation is laughable tbh.
its stupid what you said.
you are stupid!
fuckin bastards seriously
as I wrote somewhere before:
"pb and their shitty pnkbstra system got owned? ahahhahahahhaahaahaha
thank you nC, one of the funniest day in my 'ET-life' xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"
fu! set some new team damage record!
hey wait, i remember your name from somewhere!
but what did you do? you wrote them pm's or what? :c
i m curious.. how you get that string for alexl and lio? and only for those
oh forgot pm's....mIRC and life sux.. then you die
Kinda weird that they both didn't notice they got that pm :P
Since none knew about it back then it just seemed to be a random advertisement message for hacks. We didnt just send them the string, we just made a sentence out of it and made it sound like an advertisement query :)
lol :P

You also wanted to kick people from the GER vs LAT game or?? Noone got kicked there, some turned mIRC off and some didn't :P
correct me if I am wrong.... they both didnt remember afterwards that they got that message?
you need attention?
I think we got enough attention today. This was only made so that lio and alexL get unbanned at CB and are able to play this years EC, I promised them :)
you thought they will stay banned after so many bans today? just a sensless journal tbh
few weeks ago you would have said:

"you thought they will stay banned after they played on so many lans?"

alexL @ lan? and i rly dont care about them both
how long did they know that u caused this?

I mean there were rumors, but u told them when exactly this stuff is going to happen etc?
I was telling them that they were banned by us about 3 days after they got kicked, also told them that they'll get unbanned very soon.
and why did you do that all ?
als wir noch mit hotshots aufm public server waren warst du viel cooler :<
QuoteBasically we wanted to see the reaction of the ET community after 2 famous players getting kicked for a random punkbuster message, and for that, we needed 2 known player

thats just retarded
maybe, but I'm still laughing because of owned evenbalance's spyware xDDDDD
hes not wrong about the fact that it yould be used as spyware.
I know, that's why I hate PB and Even Balance.
That was actually quite a nice show.

Was funny to follow people's reactions and so on - but sad that you've proven pb so shit... There is no way to trust in pb anymore :<
wrong, they proved nothing, only that they r retarded no lifer dumbs, coz we all know already that pb sucks, u dont?
I always knew it sucks, but this just shows PB has a big shortcoming in their services!
imo donex should apologize lio & alexL publicly!
not CB, only donex.
edited again xD
why? he did the right thing...
the whole cb crew agreed on it...
well the whole CB crew should apologize them then =D
it was the right decision at that time, no need for sorry
stop flaming donex.. the moment they got kicked there was no proof they didn't actually cheat! quite the opposite - there were proofs that they did and he did his job very well!
im not flaming him, he should just apologize those guys. imo they banned them too fast, they should've checked the proofs etc. better. that was the fastest ban ever made.
proof was a multihack, what more do you need? Id rather see high level players beeing banned quickly than watching the evidence 2 weeks and let em play meanwhile.
dont ban them, dont let them play either. simple? fucking cunt
does not work.
go back to army plx
soon, very soon!
I cant die. Not before I have murdered you!
then u have to come cdc5 and kill me there
thats too public, way too public. plus that im not really lan persons xD
cant u own without your spawntime cheats?????
without spawntimes, yea sure
without aim help and wallhack, no
ClanBase will, I'm sure of it
Would've picked two different players myself!
Haha true, bad choice somehow...
Its not about who you pick, it was about who that agreed. read :P
you should have taken pumu and butchji, so i finally could have laughed at them

so you do take personal positions about alexL nor lio?
macht irgendwie ke sinn hm?
then you only would have 2 bad guys
wie gesagt judas, man sollte dich verbrennen =)
you must be proud, well done!
or or you just took 2 guys on that server, and it randomly worked out for you ?

edit, funny that the some random guy that got griim pmd me with the string right after griim got kicked, but i guess ur nC communications failed there
Why target me? WHY! :((
Plz they were obviously aiming for me, but got the wrong slot.
Griim please dont think this makes you clean

you hacking cunt
Griim dont worry, i also got kicked twice :D also snail , .X.! , isEN and nordaN :DD
QuoteDo you know what PB is doing with that data? Do you trust them? Of couse you do. Punkbuster never fails. I don't trust them. So I kept digging deeper. After a while I found out what rsHook got detected for: Some noob leaked the files to Punkbuster. As they couldn't manage to reverse or crack them, they've just added some random string to their signature blacklist.

surreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you all had rshook nice selfbust
daMn ! :<<<<
san siro junge
hope ur asses get raped and u die of aids+cancer+small penis illness, cheating moron fuckers
so we have to use vac or what ;)
jaja träum weiter
e-net drama /yawn
nice guy :)
Atleast they are fair enough to announce this crap before EC/OC starts, be happy that they found it out and that they are fair enough to post it. They could do this shit for ages with nobody knowing it.
But u trust them? everything is still possible -.- amybe nC is planning another trick?
spare me your lifestory idiot
Ur not so Gay anymore :O)
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