roistot vs dtekt/

does anyone still have demos of this match?
pov doesnt matter.
date: 23rd march 2005 - shoutcast
Hi phate :> Sup?
loling @ pb :D
foo shoo!! =)
I expect you every fucking day @ msn but you no no come :<
msn is too dangerous these days :(
Since December?
that had different reasons i dont want to make public :D
Plx nobody will read that :> But okok :>
was Finland ReapeR playing at that time in dtekt D:?
dont think so, can't remember the actual lineup...
mAx & Ganon were in it tho
k, dtekt / idle had so many different lineups :)
ye, i think i can remember tosspot noticing that they had a different lineup each official they played, they had DeadMeat aswell :X
DeatMeat > all ! remember when he always played in uDu battlegrounds back in the days. :)
had this sort of conversation with coffin the other day!
we were talkign about efterlyst and bio back in the day compared to now...well, we came to the conclusion that iN (especially vega), gs & DSky were rocking the pubs, with dignitas being 2cool4pubs already xD

edit: efterlyst had this feature, saying: "uhu admin connected!" whenever an admin connected (mostly vega or DeadMeat) , always made me lol!
xD. dsky guys & gs guys were always tags on in some nub finnish pubs :DDDDDDDDDDD
ppl were proud of their tags back then!
Parent,, always on finnish noob pubs owning the shit out of everyone, that was around the time I started playing ET, then my classmate who introduced me to ET told me about gs and dsky and soon after we were speccing them on ETTV. replicator didnt use hitsounds and it was like omagad.
:D good old days!
too bad they wont come back :<
iN-vega was the most impressive public roxor i ve ever seen!

but yea, i got addictd to watching ettv games the same way!
such an epic feeling...get a cup of coffee, tune in to iTG, join ettv, and watch mystic!

edit: was awesometoo!
and who could forget kiNko! :D
but best pub was Chickens farmhouse LMS! everybody was playing under fakenicks there, nowadays ppl say that "OH I USED TO PLAY THERE EVERY DAY" =]
i rarely played on there :(
still, everyone seems to know that server :D
if that's really you in your profile pic you should cut yourself
funny, how it's always those who have some stupid fake pic in their profiles commenting on other ppl s looks
if it's ALWAYS those, then show me some examples please
'search' function is your friend!
i just knew you couldn't find any ;)
Age: 15 ( 15 October 1992 )
Age: 16 ( 25 October 1991 )
Should i loose more words about your mentally - age ?!
Look @ phate's comment, thats actually all to say.
rofl, whining about too many 15 year olds while being 16 please gtfo kankerface
;) That's what i mean.
you rly should consider to jump from a bridge :}}}
or decem's!
there should be an ignore-function on crossfire!
would be awesome :D
I would ignore loads of guys here :>
does he need to say more? you're a fine example.
couldnt care less about random 15 year olds like you.
no offense, but there are too many of you.
especially here on crossfire.
atleast he's not afraid to show who he is

you stupid cunt
the stupidest game ive ever seen
biggest lie i ve ever seen
you think that "shrug" was a worth of forfeit? a big joke that was
that decision was ridicoulous, idd, but the game itself was nice
or am i confusing something? -.^
cant remember the actual match that well :P only the results
hah! :D me neither!
becoming old :<
Was a good game, what I do remember though is roistot dropping their mg on reactor, which had been quite effective during that EC.
:> so i hope i ll get the demos :D
dtekt: mAx, Ganon, moO, sol, Holz, d0zer?
- dozer + xc, atleast in that match but zap, reaper, HK, deadmeat, motion, morbi, wesolc also played for them in that season :D
Don't forget potter :P
Go ask sol
I believe this is what you're looking for :-)
thanks alot! :)
Wrong game
well, it's the same maps as in the filecloud shoutcast, supply and battery.
tho clanbase says oasis, supply and reactor :o
My mistake, I just assumed the shoutcast was from the EC game where roistot won by forefit
tbh, I thought they were the same aswell =)
I have demos of the idle-roistot match on oasis and supply as well. It doesn't seem like that match was shoutcasted, though. I'll upload it anyway.

EDIT: There you go
as you seem to have alot of old demos, could you try to find demos of these matches aswell?

roistot vs parodia
dtekt vs bendiT
u96d vs
u96d vs helix

(all other roistot matches you can find are welcome too!)

all matches played in febaury/march 2005

I hope I'm not asking for too much xD

edit: i got roistot vs kreaturen and roistot vs u96d
could provide you with an ftp aswell, as i prolly cant download that much from rapidshare!
Of the ones you've mentioned I could only find the radar demo of u96d vs. helix :<

I've uploaded it on challenge-tv along with roistot vs. helix:

EDIT: I don't have the the reactor demo of idle vs. roistot either, sorry :-(
you dont have reactor?
I believe this match was at the 24th.. I've got these demos but wont upload them right now but later tonight. Professional Division

Europe Dtekt vs Finland Roistot
Europe dtekt eSports vs Finland Roistot

Line-ups :

Europe Dtekt eSports :

Belgium dtekt.Ganon
Estonia dtekt.HK
Estonia dtekt.Holz
Estonia dtekt.Deadmeat
Ireland dtekt.Sol
Sweden dtekt.Fiend

Finland Roistot :

Finland Roistot.Redcross
Finland Roistot.Theeta
Finland Roistot.Pasi
Finland Roistot.Besche
Finland Roistot.Kotkis
Finland Roistot.Joonas

First map : Supply Depot :

Allies : Europe Dtekt
Axis : Finland Roistot

I lost the first attack demo (again) srry for this.
image: sd1

Allies : Finland Roistot
Axis : Europe Dtekt

Roistot is stopped by a nice triple arti kill of dtekt.ganon in the first rush. The rush after it roistot is able to plant and defend it good and with 7.30 on the clock they are on their way to the command post. Dtekt is holding them back in the begin good with some nice arti/airstrike from dtekt.Holz and dtekt.Ganon. After that roistot was able to make the rush trough and planted the maingate with 6.30 on the clock short after that they planted east to and the truck is driving into the base. With 5.30 on the clock dtekt went upstairs to defend the controls. Dtekt.HK is doing a good job with his rifle at the main stairs. After some revives of roistot they make the push forward and they almost managed it to get it after a double nade kill of roistot.Kotkis. dtekt didn’t went upstairs but they stayed at lower to get the engineer that needed to respawn. It didn’t worked that well all dtekt needed to respawn while roistot was on their way up and started spawnkilling dtekt.HK was in position to shoot his panzer. Roistot went up with three medics and one engineer they were almost stopped by dtekt.Ganon that could take down two of them but not gibbed and all four went for the controls. With roistot at the controls and dtekt.HK that couldn’t shoot his panzer because roistot.pasi blocked the window and shot him and roistot has 2.40 on the clock with the gold in the truck. Roistot was already in the truck but a nice double airstrike kill of dtekt.ganon kept them back for some more. With dtekt.Deadmeat and dtekt.Sol making both a double frag when they want to take the truck with them. The truck is at the east side with 1.30 on the clock. roistot is making the final push for the truck now with roistot.Kotkis making a double mp40 frag and the turck went in once to the end.
Time set 9.17

Europe Dtekt vs Finland Roistot 0-2

[img] [/img]

Second map : Battery :

Allies : Finland Roistot
Axis : Europe Dtekt

Roisot went for the ramp they get it build but it is destroyed right after it. After it roistot went for a three back three main attack dtekt.HK took all three down at the back with his rifle/k43. Roistot keep attack all different ways but dtekt is stopping them with some nade spam / panzer /rifle / arti and it take some minutes before roistot get grip on the situation. Roistot keep trying and again dtekt.HK stopped three players that tried to get trough the back. This time roistot is able to break the defence with a nice double mortar kill from roistot.Kotkis on full spawn and after that one more. Roistot got the bunker now and is moving to the guns and they make it. With 4.50 on the clock they got two dynamites planted and dtekt had no chance to defuse it.
Time set : 5.34

Allies : Europe Dtekt
Axis : Finland Roistot

Dtekt need to win this if they want to have a place in the playoffs.
Dtekt went for the back but are stopped by roistot.Theeta that had a triple mg kill after that they went for a three back three main attack it wasn’t successful as well the attacks were stopped by mg/rifle/nades and dtekt need to be fast if they want to break the roistot defence. The rush after this dtekt managed to kill roistot.Teeta and are able to break the defence at the back and make the plant. With 1.30 on the clock they are on the way for the gun they need to do it fast. When they went into the gun room with 1.10 on the clock roistot mnaged it to kill and gib the engineer and roistot.pati took down and gibbed the other engineer.
Fullhold roistot

Europe Dtekt vs Finland Roistot 0-2

image: bat

Conclusion : Roistot was just a bit to strong for dtekt that were a bit inactive last week. Dtekt is out of the cup now but they still have a chance in the EC.
GL both teams in the next wars.

Demos Demos here

thanks man =)
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