Battlefield Heroes (new Game)

Even if you want a game with vehicles there are plenty of better alternatives ([hint] ET:QW [/hint]
stop defending etqw everyday so desperately, it's getting fucking annoying
Not defending, just advertising :D
loads of EA sponsored lan tournaments here i come:P
Except Battlefield Heroes is free.
Yeah I guess that will make it worth a try - however DICE / EA are well known for not supporting their games properly - I'm even more worried this game will receive even worse support
And I am pretty sure that it was Halo that made vehicles POPULAR in a larger scale anyway.
looks awesome :D
pls what a shit game :D
looks awesome :D
First of all, way back before battlefield 2142 was even in development SplashDamage showed their work on ET:QW to various publishers including EA, so no they didn't steal from BF2142, rather the other way around.

If ET:QW was a BF2 clone ET:QW would have been a vehicle game with infantry, however its the other way around. Its very easy to take down vehicles in ET:QW if your team has a bit of teamwork (or just good engineers / soldiers / field opses).

Lastly, Battlefield might have been the game which made vehicles popular - but it was not the first game which featured them. The original Tribes had vehicles and deserves all the honor for that.
My sensometer is sadly broken :0
Battlefield stole the car idea by c&c renegade! Ok, maybe that isn't the first shooter with tanks either, but it was published before bf1942.
they stole it all from tribes tbh
Tribes of win!
I don't like the idea of playing it in a browser. how does it work when you download no gameclient? all the data gets streamed?
Looks like fun :)
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