PB question??

Cant PB sue nC? Im not a law student but if been thinking about this for a sec and nC clearly damaged PB imo?

Any lawstudents here?
Yes they can afaik. Hope PB goes that far...
mmh dont actually know that, but i guess they couldent cause nC just exploited a bug of pb
They can only blame themselves tbh. Their gamehack detection system sucks ass.
Well if nC is a registered organization in some non third world country I guess its possible - otherwise it will be quite hard to get hold of those really responsible. (Not a law student either btw) - its also hard to prove nC guilty of anything though
second that, but they probably aren't registered
But if they aren't registered, isn't it illegal to sell hacks then? :D
Depends on how much they earn from it, here in the Netherlands for example you can earn a few thousand euros "black money" a year legally I think.
Ye but somehow I'm quite sure they earn more than the limit of the "black money".

EDIT: At least in Finland it's not legal to earn even a single coin of black money.
Though there's a limit of taxfree money untill some point.
Well, its on a per person basis, and I don't know how the money is spread inside netcoders
was thinking the same, i think its possible to earn some money like Sainted said with copyright contract, but dunno how much and ofc it depends in which country do you live
'look on their website they claim they did
afaik you need a reason to register an organization, making hax for computer games sounds kinda funny to me
No they can't.
Dont think they rly did anything illegal with the last thing.
They just pasted some text ... as far as i know thats still legal, pb just shouldnt have been THAT stupid. (still cant believe they used that as anti-cheat)
they can't since they haven't hacked pb.
But they have found a way to interact with the program in a way which affected their "customers", not a really serious offense but with a good lawyer PB could be able to get something out of it, not enough to make it worth the lawyer probably.
Just go in america
im pretty sure no one here is a graduate in Crime Law ^_^ useless journal
I'm pretty sure someone amongst the crossfire members are studying law.
comment by some law student (me ofc): depends on where the server of nc is located, i guess in the US and unfortunately i dont know a lot about US legislation. I will look up in my proper legislation if there are any articles that say something about breach of contract or smth like this

edit 1:
ok i found something:
PB can apply principle "action de in rem verso": no one can enrich at the expense of others. In this case nC would have to indemnify PB and stop producing hacks since they make money by violating PB-Contract.
I will search some articles. Just wait a bit


i found the articles corrsponding to this problem:
articles 1376, 1378, 1379 (not sure about 78 and 79) 1382-1384 of civil law say that whoever causing a damage to someone other has to indemnify the other one. Includes breach of contract.
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