CoD4 yournal

cba with googling and searching

what do i need to download to play cod4?

any patches? maps? mods? anythin?
yeah, I need these kind of informations too!
It was me saying "I'm on the same vent as tox , I must be highskill now :D !" yesterday

fanboy, ban plz.
SeaN on 24/03/08, 13:03:48 PM | Reply

fanboy, ban plz.

IW patches 1.1 till 1.5
PAM 4 mod (just connect to a server using allowdownload, thats it)
btw I must install all patches one after another? or just 1.5 ?
all of them, in that order ofc
Is there any way to find out what patches I already have installed? Cos I think I missed a patch but I'm not sure.
start up cod4, check your right corner below, thats your current version
Yeah, but you said you have to install 'em all. And I know for sure I have the 1.5 installed, but I think I might have forgotten 1.1 or 1.3 and that's what I'm not sure about.
hmm cant be possible :P I believe I remember cod4 giving me a warning when I was trying to install 1.3 without the previous 2 but it didnt work (1.1->1.5)
or maybe you installed some all-in-1 cod4 patch otherwise you rly need to install them one by one
I see, well I guess I have them all correctly installed then.

uninstall.exe should help you out!
you need patch 1.4 and 1.5. that's all. everything else (pam for example) will be downloaded from the server you play on.
gamehack.exe nP
You should join TKB, you hairy monster! :P

we'll see we'll see! lets see if i actually enjoy the game and see if im half decent at it
u lag ofc u will be decent, everyone who lags is decent, others have no skill because they cant hit them. so HF @ cod4
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