supply jump

read some threads about east jump script.
do those things still work?
(didnt for me)
yes they do
got 1 for me?
nope...ask perfo
yes they do
yes but i need MAIN SCRIPT JUMP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u have to perform a strafe jump there, not possible with a script, just prac it.
Ho. ok :'<< thx
erhmm, yes there is a script to main jump.
then we are not talking about the same mainjump ;>
i need makemejump_b3 script for the whole map as allies
east jump is so easy that it's better just to learn it :D also crane jump and that rock left side of main gate is easy after little practise :d ( you dont even need to use sprint at east rock :D )
lol jumps are uselezz, l2p :--D
lolol wnb elite stfu :D:D
lololol omg pwned :<
i need 1 for main jump =D
who the fuck needs script for it :d?
really funny to see how popular jumps become after one pro player performs them on ETTV :D
done that main rock jump before xpaz (?) and raveneye (?) did it on ettv :[
same here, was practicing it with xylos way before ;p (same goes for the allied CP wallslide, I don't think I've ever seen someone else do it on ETTV before me except for overboost maybe). first time i did that east rock jump was when confo made an avi of it in i guess, summer 2005?
is that avi uploaded somewhere ? this kind of tj stuff is similar with Finland Vanhaomena sniper skillz but ppl only started to play covertops @ cybergames instead of posting crossfire journals about scripts :D
haha i thought i was the only one doing that wallslide if we're talking about the same jump (the one behind CP that goes over the stone wall ) cause i've never seen it used anywhere

like 10 people have said it's impossible, but it's pretty easy, can't do it every time though
i did the main jump without raveneyes show
whats so difficult about the east jump? ;d

can anyone do the first barrier jump at grush?
i can :D but itz pretty long time ago when i have done it last time
need main :X
bind f3 "com_maxfps 100;+forward; +moveup; wait 2; -moveup; wait 70; -forward; wait 89; +sprint; +forward; wait 9; +moveup; wait 135; -moveup; -forward;-sprint;com_maxfps 125"

works for the back depot jump too, but youve to stand downer (the script does 2jumps)
yo pninja ;D 125 > 100 for short jumps ;D <3 The fps wont make any diffirence:))
It's because of the "wait". nub
naiz calling me nab :[
Wait, where is the jump? xD
Just pracc e on tj servers, there are specific maps where all the jumps are included (exept supply main afaik).
jump script? :|
scripts ftw!
Only newbies uses scripts to make such a jumps :0
not rly... using a script makes it faster and decrease chance of failing... only a moron will jump with his own skills when there is aviable script for it...
Like i said, only newbies (like you?) uses scripts to make such an easy jumps.
well if person who plays et since 2 years is newbie for ya then it only tell us how low[as person] you are...

OR maybe u have to prove how high skilled you are by making such stupid tasks like jumping without script

btw. before nouns starting with a e o i u we use an... not a
thx made my day.
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